Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I trust that you will all be up late tonight, waiting to usher in the baby New Year. I, for one, am very much prepared for this new arrival. For Christmas, Stomach knit me a neato pair of pijamas, with slippers. They are special staying-up-late pijamas. They have pockets to hold popping corn, and pockets to hold toys, and pockets to hold pillows for emergency snoozes. We are all in our pijamas in here. There is even a bananna in here, and it too is wearing pijamas. It asked that I say that it is coming down the stair, but that's silly, and, ultimately, untrue. Anyway, we expect to have a grand time. We will watch some television, tell stories, eat, and enjoy one another's company. I hope that you all have equally as splendid evenings.

I really think that 2007 will be a lovely year, don't you? Can you guess why it is going to be a good year for me? Can you? What?! Because I'm going to be born?! no! Of course not. Sure, it'll be great to be born, but I'm really looking forward to 2007 because...oh, fiddle sticks! I can't keep a straight face. Of course it is because I am being born! I thought that I'd fool you, but I guess I'm no trickster. Well, in 2007 I will be born. Yes, this will be special indeed.

I've received word that Edgar will be paying me a visit in the first week of January (he's my stork). He plans on discussing flight paths, weather delays and alternatives, and safety precautions. Let's hope he's a nice stork!

Also, during the first week of January, Mommy and Daddy will get to see me! Yes! We have a real live ultra-sound-a-ma-jig-thingy scheduled, and this time, they will see more than a little blob. I am so much more now, Mommy; you just wait and see. Another exciting thing is the house! Yes, because there is still reason to believe that I am either a penguin or a large baby, Mommy and Daddy bought a house. And we move in it real soon! The middle of February will come so quickly!

I think that I could go on and on and on and on and on. But, I wont. There are some good programs coming on. I promised Mr. Bananna that I'd tell you that we are now watching a show about banannas. It is actually kind of neat. Next, though, is a four hour Miffy Marathon. From what we've been told, an all-star pannel has assembled to sing a special, extended version of the Miffy theme song. Rumor has it that Elton John will be on vocals, backed by Boris and Barbara Bear, Snuffy, and Poppy Pig. Eric Clapton is expected to appear on lead guitar. One source has told us that Madonna will make an appearence too, singing a remix version of the Miffy song with Poppy Pig. We are all very excited!

O! The marathon is coming on! I gotta go now, everyone! I hope that you all have a splendid new year's eve celebration. I hope that as your eyes close on the old year, they close with as much contentment as mine. I hope that when they open and see the new year, it will be with enthuasism for all that the year holds to offer. A year is a lot of time, everyone! You can make lots of neat things happen. I look forward to visiting with you all in 2007 (though I can't guarantee I'll be in as good spirits as I am now; I've heard that the first few months take a toll on you. I may be a tad weepy).

As a further postscript, I should let you know that I kicked Daddy in the hand, and then the cheek yesterday! Yeah!! He and Mommy were very happy. I wiggle and kick and squirm a lot. Oh, sorry! Stomach is telling me the show is on. Gotta run! Happy New Year! I'll write more of my squirming some time soon...

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