Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Ultra-sound-a-ma-thing

My Ultrasound Picture!

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with each and every one of you. I have some very important gossip for you! Well, you see, yesterday was my ultra-sound-a-ma-thing with Mommy, Daddy and big brother. We all dressed in our Sunday best, and had a big long visit. It was very nice. Before the visit, Mommy and I had a little pow-wow. I sat Mommy down: "Well, mother dearest, its like this: I need to know if I am a boy, a girl, or a penguin. This is very important. We are having a sporting tournament - bowling, I think - and no one knows whether to put me on the boys team, the girls team, or the flightless bird team! Its ruining everything. Please, Mommy!" That dear lady that is Mommy needed no more persuasion. Together we sought to self-train ourselves in the fine art of species/gender determination from ultra-sound-a-ma-thing images.

After many long nights of studying, we felt confident and ready. Daddy and big brother knew somewhat of our little plan, but not really. The ultra-sound-a-ma-thing began. Showtime. I began with a nice big smile at the camera. Cheese! Mommy and Daddy said, "Awwwwww". Next, I showed off my waist while the ultra-sound-a-ma-person measured it. I paid careful attention, for I'm thinking of buying a pair of jeans, and hadn't known what size. Anyway, the show continued. I rolled and swam, and kicked and turned, and performed a short interpretative dance. "Awww", "Awww", and "Awww" said Mommy and Daddy, while big brother went, "Zoom! Quack! Quack! Choo choo! ROAR! Smash! Crash! Tantrum! Run! Crash! Crash! QUACK QUACK QUACK!" as he raced about, half asleep, with Daddy close behind him.

Next came the moment. Mommy carefully suggested to the ultra-sound-a-ma-person that a erm...crotch shot...would be appreciated. Bashfulness behind me, I readied myself. "Its for the bowling tourney...its for the bowling tourney" I repeated, justifying having myself in the open for all to see. Hey, I really like bowling, and how willI be able to play, if I don't know the team I'm on? The ultra-sound-a-ma-person chuckled, and said nothing else. Then, less than aminute later, a crotch shot. I turned as red as a fire engine. "All for the bowling. All for the bowling..." Then, a second and it was over. Fortunately, Daddy and big brother had not seen my moment of erm...openness. It was between Mommy and I. What begins between a Mommy and baby stays between a Mommy and Baby. I then heard Mommy whisper softly to me, "Thanks, son, you did great." "Oh, no problem, Mommy. Were you able to see anything? Did our plan work...son?!" Mommy smiled and big brother bounced off a closed door, tumbled backwards, running into Daddy, and the two of them found a cracker on the floor.

Mommy said that the shot was really quite clear, and that she was certain that she saw a male part. In any case, she saw no flippers. She saw no beak. She saw no webbed feet. Thus, I am not a Pablo for sure. To some level of certainty, I am a little brother to big brother! Daddy reminded me that I still may be a girl, but he is a wet blanket. Big brother reminded me that toddlers bounce off walls really well. So, folks, looks like the evidence is pointing to my boyness!

The remainder of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing went splendid too. I was measured at weighing 11 ounces. That is huge! Why, I remember back when I was a three ouncer. I thought I was a big baby on campus then. Oh, how I've grown bigger and wiser over the weeks. Where has time gone. The ultra-sound-a-ma-person seemed to think that the weight suited my age. That should make it easier to buy jeans.

We all left the room very happy and satisfied after it was all over with. Mommy and Daddy and big brother had all got to see me. I guess I am quite a cute little one, though big brother says I look like a duck. But, then again, he holds ducks in high regard, so perhaps that is a compliment! Ah! Time for bed for me! I hope you all enjoy the picture of me I have posted, and I hope that you have equally enjoyed my retelling of that special ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. I hope you all have a pleasant day, with sweet dreams tonight!

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