Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Christmas, everyone! Gosh, but didn't we all have a lovely day. I hope that each and every one of you had just as swell a day as I. Mommy is now peacefully sleeping, as is my big brother. He finally crashed after a day of much activity. Perhaps I should tell you a little about it?

Well, at around 6:30 am, big brother stretched, and in his own language, he yelled, "Wah! Wah! Wah!" which means "Bottle, bottle, bottle!" So, Daddy got up, fixed a bottle of milk, and big brother chugged it down while Mommy and I turned on the tree lights and readied the livingroom. Out came a groggy big brother, holding onto Daddies hand, grumping, "I need a coffee," or something like that. Around the corner he came, expecting it to be just another day. Just another day, indeed! Well, his head rounded the corner and he stopped short.

"Blah bluh da cha choo?!" he said. (Translated: "Huh, what on earth is all this?!")

"Merry Christmas, Ian!" we all said. "Look what Santa brought you!" Mommy and Daddy continued, pointing at the most midevil Little People Castle you ever did feast your modern eyes on. Well, big brother soon shook the sleepies out, and ran over to his very own Little People castle. In seconds, he had the trumpets blaring, the horses walking around in the sky "brumming" like trucks, and the Queen eating a bucket of slops while the King fought with a red dragon in the tower. Mommy and Daddy giggled to see big brother so happy, and this made me happy. I got all giddy and jumped up and down. This made Mommy and Daddy even happier. I shouted, :Merry Christmas!" and then settled down a little.

Mommy and daddy let big brother know that the castle wasn't all! Goodness no! Santa had left all sorts of things. And everything was wrapped in paper! Goodness! We couldn't see what anything was, because there was paper over it! It made things quite suprising. How clever that Santa and Mommy and Daddy, and Grammies and Grampies are. Well, the ole paper went flying. A board book! Yeah! It is about a hippo! Some trucks! Yeah trucks! More trucks! Trucks in a bucket! Another bucket of trucks! Horray for buckets! Cool! An airplane with a handle like the train! That looks like fun, big brother. What's this? isn't! A corn popper! Glory be! With this, big brother was gone. "Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop" was all that we could hear, mixed with the squeals of a happy toddler in a pair of pj's chasing his popper. What a lovely sound. Well, to Mommy and Daddy at least. I found it loud, but it made Mommy happy, which makes me happy.

The paper contuned to fly as big brother set down his corn popper. An elephant (Aw) more books, and clothes, and then...

...I'm not sure what to make of this. I tured my attention for only a few seconds, to make a remark to Stomach. Well, next thing I knew, Mommy, Daddy, and big brother were cheering on Pablo as he spun and danced 'round the floor! Heavens! If Pablo was dancing out there, had to be an imposter! Because I am Pablo, right? sure sounded like Pablo. But...

...ah ha! It then dawned on me. Maybe, just maybe, this was the proof I needed! If it spins like a Pablo, and it dances like a Pablo, then it probably is a Pablo. Since there was something singing and spinning like a Pablo on the outside, it must be a Pablo. Since I'm on the Inside, then it wasn't me doing tha, which means only one thing: I am not Pablo! Glory be! I've solved the mystery! Mind you, I still don't know if I'm a boy or a girl, but I'm not a penguin so yeah! Thank you so so so so so much Nanny and Grampy O. for capturing the real Pablo for big brother. You made my Christmas!

Pretty soon I had calmed down, and so had big brother. Mommy and Daddy had sat him in his very own fuzzy chair. He was wiggling his bum in it, making his mark. What a smile! He said, "Buh bha bhu bluh beeee" which means, "Thanks you very much, Grampy P. this is the coolest chair ever, and I'm gonna sack out in it and eat cheerios and drink cranberry juice and watch Backyardigans and Thomas and it'll be cool!"

At that point, all the presents were opened. Dazed by all the neat things, big brother noticed a bus brumming by, going, "W says wuh, W says wuh"
Up from his chair big brother flew! It was his phonetic bus! Traveling through the land, it was spreading phonetic pronounciations for all to hear. Big brother raced after it, studiny the letter "W" and its neighbours, the "V", and the "X". Round the floor big brother went, brumming the bus, learning letters and sounds, and having such a merry time.

Phew! What a morning. Oh! I almost forgot. Even I got a couple of presents! By Aunty S. sent me a sling thing so that when I am out, I can be all cozy and close to Mommy and Daddy. I really like it. And my Nanny A. got me a little bug thing that you pul a thing on and it vibrates. Mommy let me play with it by putting it up to belly (see picture above). It made me laugh.

Yawn! I've been making much too merry, and have been writing far too much about making merry. Bed time! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I'll write again soon! (I promise! I need to write about how crazy big brother went today, running about like a mad man because of the festivities. Hey, I need ammo against him, as he is the big brother!)

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