Thursday, April 26, 2007


Good day everyone! And how are you all doing this sunny and splendid spring day. I wish I could see the sun, but I certainly am enjoying the splendidness from here on the Inside. I have been making Mommy really creaky and groany and sore lately. I think it is because I turned around. I now punch her in plances that never were intended for punching, and kick her in places where one should not be kicked. I also have my head stuck in a very uncomfortable spot for her. I am terribly sorry, Mommy, but both you and I know it is far better that I'm this way round and making you sore, then being the other way and having to come out through slightly more scary means.

Still no word from the stork. He did send me an email to say that he can beak press over 50 lbs now, so I needn't worry if I put on a little weight during these last few week(s). Mommy and I are now done working. Today, Mommy woke with a burst of energy, fueled by a nice night's sleep, and the smiling sun. Grampy O. was going to take the bus up to see us tomorrow, and to meet Nanny O. at the airport after her lovely trip to Cuba. Mommy decided to pack me and big brother into Grampy's big black truck thing and drive to pick him up! So, we are now at Grampy's. Legend has it that the mythical creature of yesterpregnancy lives in this here basement. Yes, I refer to big brother's nemesis whilst on the Inside. The Beast of Orange! I do not know this creature, but he sounds like a scary one to me. Mommy told me that the Beast of Orange scratches, and eats loudly, and purrs loudly, and snorts, and snores, and scratches, and pees on things, and scratches, and meows, and pees on things and meows and scratches. Gastly! I hope that if the Beast of Orange lives in this basement that he stays in this basement. Daddy, for some reason, has a soft spot for the beast, calls him Wallace, and visits with him when we are at Grampy's. I think Daddy is foolish.

So, what else have Mommy and I been doing on our vacations? Well, one day we stayed home and moaned and groaned. I moaned and groaned because my head is stuck. Mommy moaned and groaned because my head is stuck. Another day, we took big brother to the book store to play with his friend Thomas the Train. Big brother had a lot of fun. Then a big kid came along and ran over Sir Topham Hatt with a train (several times). Both big brother and I were very concerned for poor Sir Hatt, and immediately burst into tears uncontrolably. Big brother is very sensitive to the feelings and well being of train conductors, and railway administrators in general, you see. I, personally, feel more for harbour masters and smiling tugs. To each their own. Daddy told me that he has a soft spot for any one/thing that rides one of those old timey big wheeled bikes. He does not like it when people push the rider over. Since the Sir Topham incident, Mommy is the avenger of anyone who makes us cry. Anyway, that's my family! Ever the bunch of crusaders we are!

Well, I must be off. I am tired from the day's travels, so I must be getting to bed. I think more has happened since I last wrote, but, gosh darn it, I cannot think of a single thing elese. Who knows, maybe it was just a slow week! In any case, I'm going to sleep now, and I hope that stork of mine does not suprise me while I'm at Grampy's. Cheerio, everyone!

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