Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Achy Mommy

I make my Mommy feel strange. For the past couple of days, she has felt like a truck hit her. She can't seem to wake up in the morning. She feels achy and sleepy. Her head is in a state of confusion. I'm sorry Mommy. There are, I assure you, perfectly logical explanations for all of it.

  1. Inability to Wake Up. After consulting with the learned Stomach, I think I know the origin of this one: You are tired. Sounds like a complex answer, I know, but it really does make sense when you think about it. All day long, Mommy is toting me around. It would be like wearing a Snuggali all day. That would be tiring. Can you imagine working all day while carrying a baby in a snuggali? It would be pretty hard. My Mommy and I have been working very late these past few nights too. Since Daddy has to get up to work in the morning, we do too, because big brother is not to be trusted to his own devices. The result is one tired Mommy! I have been working on a remedy: Sleep. I just cannot figure out how to squeeze in any more. I've been told that when I come out, sleep will be even more of a scarcity.

  2. Achiness. This one is a little more complex. You see, I sit and lay and stomp inside Mommy. This puts pressure on Hips and Legs and Ankles and Feet. So, Feet get uncomfortable, and uncomfortable Feet get cranky. Feet then start growling and hitting ankles. Ankles are scared of Feet, so they retaliate by flying into legs. Legs get mad and fight with Hips. Hips don't like this, so they squeeze me. I don't like this. So, I nudge Hips to tell Legs, to tell Ankles to tell Feet to knock it off, and try to get along. Hips pass my nudge along. It makes its way to Feet, who thinks I am being nasty, and the whole chain starts over again. Confusing, eh?

  3. Confusedness. Alright. This one is not so much complex as it is embarrassing on my part. I will tell you Mommy, we did not mean it. It was playtime gone wrong. So, Pancreas has a friend who sent her a bottle rocket last week. After a little assembly, Stomach thought it would be informative if we studied how rockets worked by launching the bottle rocket. We all gathered round, and off it went. Zing! Right by all of us. We underestimated its power, though. Up, up, up it went! Mommy, if only you were taller. It went right up, and got stuck in Brain a little. Mind you, it did not hurt her. It just stunned her a little. It was going slow when it hit. We have since dismantled the bottle rocket, and never again shall we attempt aviation feats Inside. Sorry Mommy!
So, that is my medical opinion on the cause of all this discomfort. It will be over with soon, Mommy. Soon, I'll be out there with you, Daddy, and big brother. I assure you, it will feel like a weight lifted from your belly.

Well, tonight's post will be kept short. I have a million and three things to do. I have to sleep, and eat, and try to turn, and hic-up, and all sorts of things. I am one busy Wee Too! Goodnite, everyone, and Happy Birthday, Grampy O!

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