Thursday, March 08, 2007

I've Been Sooooooo Busy!

Phew! I have been so busy lately, I've just found no time to post! After moving into the house, getting unpacked and settled in, and with all the cervix thinning I've been doing, well, posting to my blog has just not been a priority. We are slowly moving into the new routine of suburbia living. Daddy discovered that the stars still exist. He had not seen them for some eight years, so figured they had all collapsed into black holes. Wasn't he excited when he stepped outside to take out the garbage and discovered that all the stars were exactly where he had left them!

I have so very much to catch up on, I will try and recount it for you in a list. I like lists. Everyone likes lists.
  • We are all unpacked, and the pictures are hung on the wall.
  • Big brother lives in a room with trains everywhere. Thomas the Tank trains. They are on the wall, on his toddler bed, on his desk, on his storage bins. It is lovely, I am told. When big brother first entered his Thomas room, he at quacked like a duck at the trains, but then adjusted very well and "choo choos" at them on a regular basis. He still sleeps in his crib, but is warming up to his toddler bed nicely (even though he will never admit it).
  • Mommy and Daddy are going to get carpet put on the stairs so that it wont hurt very much when me, big brother, and all my nannies and grampies fall down them. Well, we hope we wont fall, but if we do, I'd rather it be on carpet than ugly boards.
  • Big brother learned how to sweep, and does a fine job at it. He has abandoned his corn popper for a broom and dust pan.
  • Yesterday we put out our first green cart of compostables for collection, and a blue bag with recycling things in it. We were very proud.
  • We all get sleepy very early each night because the house is so quiet. When the sun sets, it actually gets dark outside too, instead of an ugly orange brownish glow.
  • Daddy is going to build us a fence in the summer to keep me and big brother in our yard. We are also going to get a Mr. Turtle pool for the yard, and the fence will keep it in too.
Well, that is a very basic recount of what we have been up to since we moved into our new place. My bedroom right now is a toy room for big brother. I gave the approval, under the condition that when I move in, we turn it into as cool a room as big brother has. I don't know if I want trains, though. I might like dinosaurs, or fish, or hockey players, or penguins.

For a few days now, Mommy has been feeling really weird. Today she felt strange enough that she called Good Doctor. We all packed up in our auto, and trolleyed across the Big Harbor to see why Mommy was feeling so odd. Big brother got scared a toy farm while Mommy and I talked with Good Doctor. I sheepishly scurried around on the Inside, hiding my, erm, tools - I'll tell you a bit later in this post. Good Doctor was stumped, so she made an appointment for another ultra-sound-a-ma-thing for Mommy and I at the top floor of the Big Baby Hospital.

After a quick lunch of yum yum yummy pizza we went up to the top floor to sit and wait. We waited. We sat. We waited and sat and sat and waited and sat. Big brother ran about, then sat, then flirted with little girls, then ran, then drooled over peoples food, then he and Daddy went and good food of their own, then we sat and waited some more, then we finally got in to see a doctor!

I heard the familiar "Whrrrrrrr" of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing, made myself presentable, and gave Mommy and Daddy a big smile. Doctor took measurements of me, and examined me. "I conclude Wee Too is a baby, is still on the Inside" declared the doctor. I could have told him that. He then refined his declaration to include the information that I now weigh around 2 lbs, 9 oz. That is a little small. Well, a lot small. Yes, I am a little Wee Too. A little too wee. Good things come in small packages, right? Well, I think I am just a perfect size. I am cute and little. Cute as a button.

After a few move minutes of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing, doctor discovered my, erm, work. "Gracious me!" he proclaimed. "Your cervix, m' lady, she be thinnin'! And goodness! Your baby, he be pointin' upward! Breech, I tell you! Breech!!!" and with this the doctor ran off flailing his arms madly before running into a wall. Well, that is how I imagined it, but really he didn't do any such thing.

Yep, My head is up. With good reason too. I was getting dizzy because all the blood rushed to my head when I was upsidedown. I like it better with my head up. Gravity is a bugger, folks. I think we should all live on the moon, where it is not such a big issue. Mommy was quite troubled that I was pointing up. She blamed Daddy because Daddy was an upward pointer too. Daddy accepted full responsibility. I think I'll still turn, but maybe not till later on. I don't want to be dizzy for too long before I become an Outsider!

And, yep, my pal Cervix is a thinnin'. With good reason too. I've been picking at her. Call it a compulsion, or a nervous habit, but in any case, it is all Daddy's fault again. When he was a toddler, he had a bunny he slept with. It once had eyes, but he liked scratching things, so he eventually scratched them off. I am the same way. I pick at things. I bite my nails, I pick at the walls of my home, and, yes, I pick at my friend Cervix. It started out just as a compulsion - something I was not even aware of. Then, when I discovered I was actually digging my way out, I decided to get serious. I got Stomach to secure me a garden spade to dig with, and have been working feverently each night to dig a little more. It is a bad habit, I know, but I can stop any time I want. Mommy thinks that if I keep up my digging I will just come out very early. I might, but then again, I might not! I'm just teasing, Mommy. For as anxious as I am to meet you, I still have much left to do on the Inside. Anyway, my Stork is on vacation will the end of March.

Well, yawn, I am now pooped. I need a good rest. I hope that this post finds you all well! I'll be talking with you all again real soon! Take care!

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