Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Live in a House, Part I

Ack! It is has been far too long since I last posted. I bet you thought I got a wild idea in my head to come out early or something! Well, I did not do such a thing at all. I'm still safe and sound inside my Mommy. But, my Mommy is safe and sound inside something new! Yes, we are all moved into our new house! Horray!

We packed and packed and packed and packed and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the old apartment for a week straight! Grampy O. came up to help Daddy, while Mommy and I sat off to the side worrying and fretting. We bit our nails so much that I think Mommy ate a finger! She got better. Daddy and Grampy packed and cleaned all hours of the day and night. After a week of very hard work, all the stuff we owned was in boxes or bags, or wrapped up in blankets to keep from scratching.

When Mommy and I went off to work last Saturday, Daddy got a really really big truck that was loud and long. He and many of my family and friends loaded it up sky high with boxes and bags, and things wrapped in fluffy blankets. They all whistled whilst they worked, or so Daddy told me! After everything that we owned was in the truck, it ambled down the street, swaying side to side in a leisurely, Saturday morning sort of amble. The ambling soon led the truck over to our new home. It was all the way across the harbour! Daddy backed the ambler up to the house, and all the people who had just put boxes and bags and things wrapped in blankets into the truck, took the very same things out of the truck. They were all nice, and as opposed to throwing our stuff in the yard, they all put it nicely in the house. Yeah! Mommy and I were still at work while all this moving of boxes and bags and things wrapped in blankets was going on.

All our stuff was now in the new home! Daddy danced around the boxes for a bit, then settled down to put things together, and thake things out of boxes, and take things out of bags, and unwrap scratchable things. Somewhere between unboxing a thing and unwrapping a scratchable, Mommy and I went and got a whole whack of groceries for all of us to eat in our new house! We got noodles and milks, and cereal bars for snacks, and coffees to make Daddies wakeful, and juices for us when we are thirsty, and breads to enforce good grain habits, and poultry because everyone likes poultry. After we finished grocering, Daddy finished putting things together. We arrived home with our purchases, and Daddy made a floor path through boxes so that we could look around at all the work he had done - and had left to do!

We were all very hungry, so we decided to leave a lot of things in boxes, and go to Aunty B's for supper. Big brother was staying there, and having a delightful time by all reports. We partook in the glorious glory of tacos with hard shells. we all went, "yum yum yum" and "mmmmmmmm". I liked the sour cream on the tacos. Big brother told me he liked the crunching the best, and the meat. Daddy liked that tacos don't resemble boxes.

After supper, big brother started running around like a crazy toddler, so Mommy and Daddy and I took him to our new home and gave him a bath (Daddy discovered that there was no plug to the tub, so we used a baby food dish as a plug). As big brother fell sound asleep, Daddy had to return the big truck, and Mommy unpacked lots of neato things from boxes. Much like I am doing right now, I fell asleep! We've all discovered that living in the house makes us sleepy. Everything is so quiet, we get really tired by seven pm, and we usually fall to sleep.

So, yawn, my friends, I must be retiring for the night. I have so much more to write, but, gosh gosh it this house is making me sleepy! On the agenda for tomorrow night's exciting conclusion to our move: the painting, finishing unpacking, settling in, and thanking everyone who was so kind as to help us out. I wish you all the best in the day ahead! Sorry I took so long to post anything!

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