Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Been a Squirmin' and Maybe a Turnin'

Hello everyone! Here is a summary of my activities over the past week:

  • Thursday, 22 March, 2007. Squirmed. Rolled. Kicked. Punched. Stomped. Coloured a picture of an elephant.

  • Friday, 23 March, 2007. Wiggled. Flexed my toes. Tickled Mommy. Chatted with Daddy. Learned handy-crafts. Uncle T. came over to visit for the night. Got new carpet on the stairs. This will be good incase I push big brother down them, or he to me. Uncle T. is scared of Mommy's belly, but he things I am swell (of course, I am named after him!). Snoozed.

  • Saturday, 24 March, 2007. Wiggled. Squirmed. Rotated in multiple dimensions. Kicked. Stomped. Stop kicked. Shimmied. Made Mommy feel ill from combination of wiggling, squirming, rotating, kicking, stomping and shimmying. Went with Mommy and Aunty J. so that Mommy could get her feet done. I was not sure what they would to to her feet, but it seemed pretty fun. I thought she would get them made into super feet or something; you know, like having wings attached to them. Instead, the nice lady - who had a baby in her belly! - made Mommy's feet soft and painted her toes, or toe nails, or something of the likes. Brunched with Aunty J. Had an egg named Benedict; delightful chap! Enjoyed my morning.

    Nanny and Grampy O. came up to visit. They had more presents for me! I got a bunch of clothes, and another diaper bag, and cards, and sleepers, and diapers. I cannot wait to wear my first sleeper. I think when I wear it, It'll be a full one with my feet covered. I'd like it to have an animal or frog or something on it. Then, I'd like to fall asleep on Mommy's chest wearing it, snuggling in good.

  • Sunday, 25 March, 2007. Went to work with Mommy. Performed helpful assistance to her. Hic-up'd. Like this: HIC...CUP... Made Mommy think. "Gosh, those hic-ups are low!" said she with a tremble. Hmmmm.

  • Monday, 26 March, 2007. Walloped Mommy 25 times in celebration of the birthday. Wallop...wallop... Ate at a Greek restauraunt with Mommy and Daddy - big brother stayed home with Nanny and Grampy O. Had chicken on a long toothpick. Yum! Drove around while Mommy and Daddy acted like old farts. Mommy and Daddy decided being old and fartish was not acceptable, mustered up some youth, and rocked out until dawn. Actually, they went to the casino, played a few nickle machines for fun, and were in bed by 10:30. Walloped Mommy a few more times for good measure. Walloped Daddy 26 times in his sleep in celebration of his brithday.

  • Tuesday, 27 March, 2007. Kicked and stomped. Considered patting and chopping, but opted against it. Squirmed once. Went to a slide park and listened to big brother go "weeeeee" as he slid down a slide. Got excited about sliding too when I am old enough. Thought more about sliding. Like the idea of sliding down snowy hills on a blue crazy carpet. Big brother can steer - he will be my air bag. Sliding down a muddy hill on a large purple leaf would be a thrill. Sliding down the stairs on me bottom would be swell. Sliding across the ice on my shoes would be fun. I think I will like sliding.

  • Wednesday, 28 march, 2007. Yawned. Stretched. Stretching made me tired so I yawned again and slept. Went to work with Mommy. Worked. Came home. Had a bath. Snoozed. Wrote a blog.
Tomorrow Mommy and I don't work, so we are going to do all sorts of fun things with big brother. We are going to do crazy stuff like made silly sounds, and run in silly circles, and fall to the silly floor, and lay there panting like silly people because we are so pregnant and tired. We will go outside and laugh and run and play and soak up what is left of March. According to Daddy, I am coming out on Friday at 10 am, so I'd better enjoy my last day in. I don't know how reliable Daddy's prediction is, though. He said he read it in the Farmer's Almanac: "If ye birds be fly'n north by nor' west, the baby in belly likes Friday's the best. If a baby ye have who wants to be born, and surely he'll come at ten in the morn' ". I have not heard anything from my stork, so I really doubt Daddy's almanac thingy is right. Well, we will just have to wait and see.

And with that, I shall give a healthy "YAWN", and put down my pen for the night. I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits. Tomorrow is garbage day (yeah!!) so Daddy and I have to take the trash to the curb, and then join Mommy for a long March's nap. Daddy is even going to wear a night cap. Mommy has cow slippers. Gosh, do I ever get random when I am sleepy. YAWN. Stretch. Kick. Squirm. zzzzzzzz

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