Saturday, February 10, 2007

Quiet Day

And a good day to each and every one of you. How has your day been? Mine has been a day pretty much like many other days before it. Mommy and I went to work; Mommy did lots of neat things at work while I played with my friends on the Inside; Daddy and big brother had a fun day at home playing with trucks and buses, and we all went grocery shopping. Pretty normal day!

Today I turned 6 months and two weeks old, though! That is pretty exciting. I have been on the Inside for a full 26 weeks! If I stay in here right up until I am supposed to - and not a moment more! - then I have 14 weeks left to percolate on the Inside. That is not much time. There are still so many things I need to do to get ready! As stomach will contest to, I am most certainly a born procrastinator, much like my Daddy and big brother; I guess I am just carrying on tradition! Stomach said that when big brother was on the Inside, every day she kept saying to him, "You'd best pack your bags, Wee One (big brother's name on the Inside), as you may be born any minute! Put on your Sunday best, Wee One! The time may come soon!" Well, big brother put it off and put it off. Soon, he had been on the Inside for two weeks longer than he should have, and his bags weren't packed, and he wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. One day, a silly stork poked his head in and helped grab my big brother. Seems he had stayed in so long, his stork couldn't wait any longer, and came in to get him. Out big brother went, naked as the day he was born, all his toys and things on the Inside. Poor big brother. He got on the Outside, and started screaming and crying! "My duck! My duck!" he called. "My Sunday best! My Sunday best!" He cried and tried to crawl back in to get his clothes and his toy duck, but the doctors whisked him off to be cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. So, big brother, in case you are still interested, I will be bringing your toy duck out with me when I come in May. I am sure you will be delighted to be reunited with him!

I will just hope that I am a bit more prepared than big brother. I do have a very fine stork assigned to me; my good pal Edgar, who many of you have already met. I received an email from him just the other day. Maybe you want to read it? Here it is.

Dear Wee Too,

Time is approaching, young one, for us to make our journey. I've checked with the critters, and their weather forecast is calling for Spring when you arrive, so it should be smooth sailing. I've just announced to my friends and co-workers some very exciting news: you will be my last. After you, I am retiring. I might move to the country, do some fishing, build a nice cottage, and write my memoirs. As my last, I want this to be a very special journey for the both of us. I've spent considerable time of late reviewing our flight path. I typically take the shortest route. Ah, but what fun is that? Rather, for us, dear Wee Too, I've mapped out a wonderful journey.

Oh, has anyone mentioned to you my not-so-good news? Well, last week I was horsing around with the critters, fell in a hole, and broke my wing. It is nothing serious, and nothing to worry about, but I will be unable to fly by Spring. So, I've been busy making special arrangements. I've rented us a balloon! Yes, my little friend, you and I will be making your journey to the Outside in a hot air balloon. I've been practicing in it, and am getting quite good. I assure you it will make for a splendid trip.

I hope this mail finds you well, my little friend. I am anxiously awaiting our trip. Please find attached a drawing I did of our anticipated balloon ride, my friend.

Your friend and stork,

What a delightful fellow. And a balloon at that? Wont Daddy and big brother be jealous. They both want to become balloonists, and take the family on a round the world trip through the sky. Daddy even once grew a handlebar moustache, got some flight goggles, and went searching with big brother for an abandoned balloon he might take for a float. Poor Daddy and big brother. They only found a birthday balloon, and that popped (scaring them both).

I think that is all I had to ramble on about tonight; not really much of anything, but then again, it has been a pretty quiet day (which is nice now and then!) I wish you all the best in the day ahead. Keep your goggles up, Daddy! You'll get that balloon some day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently found your blog and am looking forward the seeing pictures of Wee Too when he comes. We have a little Sweetum with a little extra something too. Come visit us anytime :)
Peace Be With You
Kim and Miss T