Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Update

Me, Mommy, Daddy and big brother are now the proud owners of a house! Yeah! Much to big brother's disappointment, my room is just a room, and not an oversized skating rink in which I will live as a penguin, and eat buckets of herring. He was pretty down about that, but he seems to be coming to terms with the fact that he is getting a little brother, and not Pablo. I promised him that Pablo could come over to visit, which he liked very much. The house is very empty right now, but in one week and one day (the 24th!) we will make it our home.

On Wednesday it was Valentines Day. Me, Daddy, and big brother got Mommy a picture frame with some very neat pictures in it. It had Mommy as a baby drinking a bottle, and Daddy as a baby sleeping on a bed. It had Mommy and Daddy together, but before either me or big brother. It had a picture of Mommy, Daddy, and big brother in a Christmas suit. The final picture was an ultra-sound-a-ma-jig picture of me, but when I am out, a new family portrait will go there. I think Mommy liked the gift very much. Mommy gave me some yummy treats on Valentines Day, like a big sub. Yum yum yum!

Earlier in the week, we all met with a very nice lady from the Early Intervention Centre. She was there to discuss me, and things that will give me a helping hand when I need it. She was just such a pleasant lady. Big brother tried to feed her yougart, and yougarty juice. I was very excited at the end of the meeting, as this nice lady went through a big list of all sorts of activities and stuff I will get to do. Even Mommy and Daddy and big brother can join in on a few! I think, though, one of the things I am looking forward to the most is playing with trucks in the dirt with big brother. He promised me that when I am old enough, he and I are going to take some dumpers, and a bulldozer into the back yard, and dig holes and make roads, and get all covered in dirt and worms and grass. He said that we will be so dirty Mommy will not know what to do. She will send Daddy to the store to buy a Mr. Turtle pool, so that we can go in it to get clean. I think that sounds like a lot of fun!

Well, folks, I have to go now. It has been a very busy week, and I am very tired. I think I will kick Mommy for a bit, get Stomach to read me a story, then head to bed. In the morning, Daddy is going to pack things, so I want to have lots and lots of energy to tell him what to pack. Have a super duper day, everyone!

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