Sunday, January 07, 2007

Meeting Edgar

Hello and good day to everyone! It has been a very odd couple of days. I will have more of this later on, but not in this post. In the meantime, perhaps you'd like to hear how my visit with Edgar (my stork) went? Well, here it is!

Tap tap tapping at the door.

Wee Too: Hello? Who's there?

Edgar: A raven.

Wee Too: A raven? On what business do you call on me, Mr. Raven.

Edgar: Ack! Thousand apologies, my kind Wee Too. I'm old, and often forgetful. My name is Edgar, and a raven I'm not, but a Stork, I am. I'm Edgar, your stork. At your service. Presently.

Wee Too: My stork? My stork! Please, Mr. Edgar, please come in. I've a spot of placenta you can pull up, if you wish!

Edgar: Thank you, kind tot. Now, down to business.

Wee Too: Right.

Edgar: First, I've brought some photocopies for you to look over. My resume's in there; a flight path, and some comic strips to occupy you during the journey.

Wee Too: Ah, very nice, Mr. Edgar Stork.

Edgar: As you can see, I have penciled in May the 19th, 2007 for our journey. Now, you can also see in the footnote that this date is subject to change without notice. I've an appointment to see about arthritis in my beak on the 19th, and its been scheduled for some time. I'd be a fool to change it now, so we may have a bit of a conflict. Now, on the 20th, I am meeting Horatio for a game of shuffle board, and on the 21st, Arnold Palmer and I are having Ovaltine together. So, those days are out. The 22nd is open, but I suspect I'll be tired, so if we miss the 19th, it couldn't possibly happen till the 23rd. Wait. No. The 30th - no, the 31st - of May is the earliest if we don't make the 19th.

Wee Too: Any possibility of moving it to the 18th of May.

Edgar: What do you think I am, super stork? I'm no spring chicken anymore, you know. To train for the flight takes time. Why, the 18th is just too soon! The 18th he says!

Wee Too: It is undecided if I am a boy or a girl, kind Mr. Edgar.

Edgar: Ah, so it is. I haven't my specs on, Pablo.

Wee Too: It has been confirmed that I'm nt a penguin, Sir.

Edgar: Yes, so it has. The 18th of May is out, for sure. To further business, we must discuss attire.

Wee Too: What's that?!

Stomach: Clothes.

Edgar: Thank you kindly, Ms. Stomach. Yes, the clothes you plan on wearing for your birth. Most prefer the traditional way - in the nude - but in this contemporary society of ours, anything goes. Why, I delivered a little lady the other month who wore a sequined ball gown!

Stomach: I heard of that one, Ed. (turning to Wee Too) You see, Wee Too, ole Ed here didn't have his specs on (again); well, he got the delivery date all wrong, and the place! He even got the person wrong! He picked up the little lady's mother, who was at a big company party. Well, wasn't everyone shocked when this big old stork carries her off. She had plenty of explaining to do after, too, as her co-workers didn't know she was expecting! It was quite a scandal.

Edgar: Ah, yes, thank you very much for that most appropriate anecdote. To continue: what do you wish to wear, Wee Too?

Wee Too: know, I'd kind of like to do it the traditional way. Call me old fashioned, but it doesn't seem right any other way.

Edgar: Okay (writing in his notes, muttering to himself) Clothes presented as an option, client denied. (looking up at Wee Too again) Any questions, lad?

Wee Too: I might not be a lad, Sir. Ummmm...I think I'm good for now. Can I reach you if I think of any?

Edgar: My card is enclosed in the information package I left you. If that's all, I must be on my way. I'm getting my beak cleaned today, so I mustn't delay. Stomach (tipping his hat).

Stomach: Edgar (tipping her supper).

Wee Too: Edgar (presenting a hand for a high five).

Edgar: Wee Too (completing the high-five transaction).

Wee Too: Stomach (extending hand for a shake).

Stomach: Wee Too (shaking hand).


So, everyone, that was my very first meeting with my stork. He seems great to me! Maybe a little on the forgetful side, but Stomach tells me most of it is for show, and that he really is first rate. The incident where he delivered the Mommy instead of the baby was an honest mistake, and one excusable even by the harshest of his critics. I think we will make an excellent pair.

As you might have realised, I am now just a smidge over the half-way mark! I'm on the downward slide! Each day I'm growing stronger and bigger. Each day I exercise, and swim, and poke and tickle Mommy. Each day, I am getting ready. Well, with a big contented yawn! it is to bed I go. Everyone in here is very tuckered out, so I am retiring early. I trust that you all had super weekends! Have a fun filled and safe day! Cheerio.

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