Friday, January 12, 2007

What a Week

Hello everyone! What a week this has been! First, the penguin/boy/girl issue has been decided. Second, my home was invaded by a girl named Amy, and Mommy was scared of her. Third, we are all anxiously awaiting some results about me. Finally, Mommy and I took a super fun trip in a big van like thing! Weeeeee!

Chapter I. Milk Spots

Well, to start things off, last week, Mommy and Daddy got a phone call from Good Doctor. Good Doctor had not so good news. It seems that during my visit with Mommy and Daddy and big brother - my ultra-sound-a-ma-thing - the doctor saw a small white thing-a-ma-bob on my heart. This was a milk deposit, or cal-ci-um deposit as Stomach has said. "Dang it!" I said upon hearing. With that, I tossed my carton of milk down. "Too much milk! Stomach said it would go to my hips, but it went to my heart!" I think it will go away real soon.

It seems that this milk spot on my heart may was cause for alarm for Mommy and Daddy. "Help! Help! What'll we do! What'll we do!" yelled Mommy and Daddy as they ran around frantically, bumping into big brother, spilling his juice. " 'scuse me, Mommy! I threw away my milk. The milk spot means nothing at all! Its alright, Mommy!" I said in consolment, as I wiped the last bit of milk from my lips.

The next day, Mommy went to the hospital, and they took some serum from her to test. This was a way of letting them know if the milk spot meant anythng else, and if so, how strong that result was. I found out that Mommy and Daddy and doctors feared that the milk spot was a sign of Down Syndrome. So, with the test done, Mommy and the rest of us just had to wait. We twiddled our thumbs and spun yarns of yesteryear.

The weekend came and went, and with much nervousness and anticipation, Monday came and went too. All was quiet on the homefront. Tuesday came, and so did the Mommy serum results. Ack! They said that I had a very high chance of having this Down Syndrome! I kept yelling to my poor, upset Mommy, "I'm okay! I am okay, Mommy! No worries here! Look! I'm right side up! I'm not down!" and so on. Poor Mommy gave me lots of hugs and rubs, but she was still sad.

Chapter II. I'm A...

With these results in hand, Mommy, Daddy and I all ventured to the seventh floor of our hospital. This is where they have super friendly and skilled people to converse with, and look at Wee Too's, much like myself. So, we were ushered into a nice room, by a nice doctor, and the nice ultra-sound-a-ma-jig was started up. They wanted a closer look at me.

Well, I was sleeping at the time, and that sly doctor caught me off guard. Whrrrrrrr went the sound of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. Ack! went I as I realised I was on TV. I scooted round, and as luck would have it, there my poor little bare bottom was bared for all to see. "Goodness!" remarked Daddy as he swooned. Mommy pointed with much excitement at the monitor. "What?! What?!" I said with much befuddlement. Before I knew what was going on, Mommy and Daddy had agreed to a question from Doctor, and he announced that I was a ...

... a BOY! For sure! You see, I mooned everyone, and a little bit more showed through, so, that's that, and I'm a little boy! Yeah! I think it is just fascinating to be a boy. I have already started making my first slingshot, and am developing my very best "brumming" voice - I feel it rivals big brothers! I can see many fun things ahead of me. Mommy, watch out! You are out-numbered three to one now! He he!

Well, the ultra-sound-a-ma-jig continued, but everything - except my gender - was still as inconclusive as ever. So, Mommy and Daddy were offered a test that would tell us for sure! "Goody!" I yelled. Mommy got really upset.

Chapter III. Meeting Amy

The next few hours were very rough on Mommy as she decided what to do. I was told by Stomach that the test is called an amniocentesis. For this test, they send in a very skinny gal to my home, and she sucks up some of my, erm, pee, then goes away, and does tests on it. The tests will tell us once and for all if I have this Down Syndrome. After much discussion, Mommy agreed to have the test. Poor Mommy. This upset her so. She worried that the test might hurt me. I tired to reason with her. "Mommy," I said. "I have many visitors in here; I am sure that one more will not hurt! Heck, I am having brunch with a passing duck as we speak!"

Poor Mommy would not listen to me, and she was real upset. I felt so bad for her. I tried to laugh and joke, but she would not have it. After much tossing and turning (you realise how much I slosh around when you toss and turn, don't you Mommy?) morning arrived, and off we went to the test.

I heard much chatter on the Outside. The chatter continued. Seems Mommy was getting some final reassurance that she had made the right decision. Mommy laid down, and I set out the tea for my visitor. Whrrrrr went the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing as it started up. Plink! Someone was coming in through my wall!

I immediately jumped back into the cubby hole in my home. This wasn't right! This wasn't right at all! " 'scuse me!" I yelled. " 'scuse me! The door is open! That way!" I said, pointing to my lovely door. I heard a slurp slurp slurp, low at first, then a bit louder. I squinted. Plink! and in came Amy. "Heeelllllloooooooooo," said she. "Are...are you...Amy?" I replied. "Yessssss," she hissed and slurped. "I'm Amy, the amnio!" Slurp, slurp, slurp. Scared, I stayed in my cubby.

"Don't be afraid, little guy!" she continued. "I'm real friendly! I wont hurt you! I see you've set out some tea. Can I join you?" Timidly, I poured her a cup, and extended a shaky hand. Amy gave me a great big smile, and my heart began to slow back to normal. Phew. She took the cup. Sip sip sip. Slurp slurp slurp.

While we sipped on our tea, Amy explained that she was really a very nice and helpful girl. She said that she was visiting me, so that the doctors and Mommy and Daddy could know if I had the Down Syndrome. She said that Mommy and Daddy love me very, very much, and they want to know so that they can make the perfect home for me. She said that she was talking with them just before she stopped by my home, and they told her to be really careful. She was really nice.

After about a half of a minute, she said that she felt a tap tap tap on her bum, so that was the sign that she had to go. She gave me a hug, and I kissed her on the cheek. "Tell Mommy thank you, and that I love her," I said before she left. "I will, little guy," replied Amy. "Everything is going to be alright, feller. Don't you worry one bit!" With that, Amy left.

Shortly thereafter, I received word that Amy had headed off to a big lab to perform scientific tests on the tea and pee that she got from me. I was told that early in the week - Monday or Tuesday - we will hear the results of those tests. Mommy and Daddy are praying that they will be good reults. Maybe you can too?

Chapter IV. Resting Couches, Nannies and Grampies, and Visitors

We arrived home from my visit with Amy. Mommy was exhausted. Waiting to greet us were Aunty and Uncle B., cousins Maegan and Christopher, big brother, Uncle T. Nanny and Grampy O. Mommy was ordered by doctor to lay on a resting couch for two days, to make sure that Amy did not hurt my home when she so unconventiaonally came through my wall.

So, Mommy and I laid down. Poor Mommy. She was so worried, and so sad that she had to lay down, while big brother ran around. I made sure to kick her whole bunches, to let her know that I was alright, and that everything would be fine.

Nanny and Grampy O. took really good care of Mommy and I (and big brother) while we were on the resting couch. They cooked for us, and made us big sandwiches, and changed big brothers poopy diapers, and showed big brother a cow that lives in the cupboard. Mommy was really happy to have them there!

The day after Amy paid my a visit, a nice lady, Aunty J. came over to visit me and Mommy! She brought me flowers that were very very nice! They smelled like bubble bees. She also mde me the biggest, bestest sandwich that there ever was made. I can still taste it. Yum yum! It made my Mommy really happy to have her visit, and it made me happy too. I think I like this Aunty J. She is really nice. Big brother agreed, and said that she brings fun books too. Yeah!

Chapter V. A Van Ride

Well, I began writing all of this yesterday, after poor Mommy was freed from the resting couch. She had returned to work, and was having a super evening. We had read some books, talked to some people, served some customers, and were waiting the end of our shift. We had half an hour to go; just enough time for me to finish this very long post, and just enough time for Mommy to finish a few more stories in her book. All was quiet.

I was happily typing. "Do do de dum," I hummed peacefully to myself. Then...

...SMUSH! My computer went flying, and the walls of my home tightened around me! "Wha! Wha! What's this!" I yelled. "Stomach!" I cried,a s I felt Mommy and I tumble from our chair to the floor. Thud! SWULSH! The walls retracted, and I was left dumbfounded, and Mommy left on the floor. Was it a Mommy-quake? I looked around. My little table with tea supplies and my computer had over turned. Stomach was right there asking if I was alright. "It may not be over. Crunch into a ball, Wee Too! Now!" she yelled. Scared, I crunched into a ball. SMUSH! Another smush smushed around me. The walls of my home squeezed me. SWULSH! They sprung back. My home seemed to pant and puff, then relaxed. Phew! All was quiet. I looked aorund me at the mess. In my confusion, all I could think was, "How am I to clean all this up before be time?"

Poor Mommy was very upset. She knew what a Mommy-quake was. She was scared, and called her co-worker. He - the nice man that he is - came rushing to our assistance. Mommy was quite upset when he arrived, for she feared that something was the matter with me, or that I was making a mad dash for the Outside. I remained perfectly still, at the advice of Stomach. I was in a ball, and wore a helmet.

Mommy continued to be upset, and soon - at the quick thinking of Mommy's co-worker - some very nice people who drive in a big van known as an ambulance arrived. The van people were so nice, and Mommy even knew one of them! She was a very good friend of Aunty J.! Small world, eh? She took really good care of Mommy and I. After a little persuasion, Mommy and I were loaded into the van, and taken to the hospital to see nice doctors and nurses. Daddy was alerted to this, and rushed as fast as he could to meed us. Rumor has it that he left so quickly, he was not wearing pants, but I think that is a rumor. He was very scared for us!

We arrived at the hospital, and they wheeled us in. I was still in a ball. Daddy hugged us, and the nice people brought us upstairs to get checked out. Still in my ball, I felt a small pressure on my home. Is it another SUMSH? I began to laugh! What was it? I couldn't contain myself, and kicked my legs out! Someone was ticklinch my feet! I heard a loud WHAP! as I kicked whatever it was that tickled me. I felt Mommy turn suddenly very happy! She relaxed, and then I heard a Lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub. That was my heart! The tickling thing was a heart monitor thingy! I stretched out nice and long after my hour cramped up as a little ball. Above the lub-dubs I heard loud thuds as I kicked, and squeals of delight as Mommy rejoiced in my kicking. An hour of being a ball equates to a huge amount of pent up energy, so I continued to kick and punch and swim and twist and turn and scurry and summersault and flip and vault and spiral and headbang and stomp and jump and bob my head in a rhythmic fashion.

Mommy and Daddy and I stayed in the hospital for more then two hours. No more Mommy-quakes. Lots of kicks. Lots of good Wee Too heart beats. Exhausted, we were discharged at 1am, and returened home by Taxi - our trusty steed, Opel, was by her lonesome at our place of work, since we rode the big van.


Well, that takes us up to the present. All is quiet. I am finishing my typeing, Mommy is reading a weepy/happy book and doing puzzles, and Daddy is training a circus seal that he picked up at an aution. Big brother is sleeping in his crib, dreaming dreams of Thomas the Train (yes, the very same Thomas that he and Daddy are going to see in June!). So, we now wait. We twiddle our thumbs. We tap our fingers on the table. And we wait some more.

Thank you everyone who helped us out this week; thank you to all who kept us in their prayers, and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank you to Aunty and Uncle B. for taking care of big brother while Mommy and Daddy and I had to go to the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing; thank you Uncle T. and his gal for watching big brother while Mommy was in the big van. Thank you Nanny and Grampy O. for taking such good care of Mommy and I while we were on the resting couch. Thank you Aunty J. for visiting with us, bringing us flowers, and making us a big sandwich. Thank you to everyone else for your calls and concern, and let us all just hope and pray for the best! Until next time, have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your story was amazing, it is so vivid and touching. Your two sons are lucky to have you.