Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Bunch of Stuff

Good evening, everyone. I hope that this post finds you all well. Everything has been so eventful lately, that I have been struggling to find time to post, and for this I apologise. Dear Heart is getting closer to her rightful spot, but she still has some distance to go. It seems that she gets a burst of energy, and surges upward with vigour. The energy passes, and she slumps down a little. Two steps forward for one step back is still progress, so all of us on the Inside are still hopeful. Everytime I feel down because Heart is, Stomach reminds me that it has still not been very long since our news, and that Heart is doing remarkably well!

Today Mommy and Daddy and I all went to the big hospital to speak with the genetic counsellors. Stomach explained beforehand what that meant, so I listened intently. First, they talked all about my family history; about Mommy and Daddy, and aunties and uncles, and nannies and grampies, and cousins, and gosh, was that ever a lot of people. Mommy and Daddy have a lot of aunts and uncles. Everyone was very nice to us.

After we all gabbed about the family history, a charming gent came in to answer any questions that Mommy and Daddy had about me. Since this chap did not know exactly who I was, he could only offer some things that we may expect once I am an Outsider. Some were scary, and some were good. I personally don't know exactly how I will be as an Outsider, and am anxiously awaiting this as much as Mommy and Daddy. I do know that I am so happy to have Mommy for a Mommy, and Daddy for a Daddy. I will do my very best to be a good son for them, and a good little brother for big brother. I just know we can have a ball together, learning, playing, and laughing. I certainly don't know what lies on the horizon, but then again, does any baby on the Inside really know?

Today, Stomach and I sat down and really talked about me becoming an Outsider. Stomach is so wise, and so kind. We talked about the neat things I can do, like feeding ducks, learning how to walk like big brother, and playing with trucks. I always hear big brother brumming around with his trucks, and it just seems like ever so much fun! Here are some things I look forward to doing:

  • Eating a cookie. Daddy gave big brother a cookie the other day (don't tell Mommy), and since then, it is all he has been talking about to me. I want a cookie.
  • Pushing around a corn popper. Big brother got a corn popper for Christmas, and now all we can ever hear is "POP POP POP!" from morning 'till night. It sounds like so much fun. Big brother raves about it all the time. He is learning how to do stunts with his, and he told me that he would teach me a few (if I help him sneak a few cookies).
  • Going on walks with Daddy. Daddy promised me that over the summer, while the birds are chirping, he will take me and big brother on lots and lots of walks. I get to go in a stoller, since I will just be a tot, and big brother gets to run around like a mad man, while Daddy and I chase him. Daddy said he will take us to look at fishing boats, and that sounds so cool! Daddy is drawing me a picture of a fishing boat, and I cannot wait to look at it!
  • Going in a Mr. Turtle backyard pool. I don't know if I will be big enough to sit in one during the coming summer months, but Mommy promised me she would take me in with her. The other night, Mommy had a dream about a Mr. Turtle pool, and it was the nicest dream ever (Mommy's dreams to us Insiders is like TV is to you; each night we sit back with a snack and watch them).
Doesn't all of that sound exciting?! I think so. I might eat cookies in the Mr. Turtle Pool, or take my corn popper on a walk with Daddy and big brother. So many options!

Well, that is enough writing for now, everyone. I hope that you all have a splendid day! Send your happy thoughts and words of encouragement to my Mommy and Heart! With each one, Heart sits a little higher. Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wee Too: Nanny talks to your Mommy quite a lot and her heart is lifting more each day. I know she will be thrilled to hold you when you come to the outside. Nanny and Grampy are also so very anxious to meet you and hold you. Your beautiful quilt if coming along very nicely. You will look so gorgeous and happy in this new quilt. It will keep you snug and cozy.