Friday, January 19, 2007

Lifting Heart

Since the news is beginning to settle with me, and the others on the Inside, we have begun Operation Lift Heart. All of us are involved, and we have recruited the help of Daddy and big brother! Gosh, do we ever work well together. I will tell you that it looks like our efforts are not in vain! Heart seems to be perking up, lifting her head a little more, and beating just a little more triumphantly than she did yesterday.

As you might recall from my previous post, upon hearing the news that I am a Down's Syndrome baby, Heart collapsed, sinking to the depths of Mommy. She laid there as the rest of us lamented. But, a thread of courage was soon woven through the bunch of us Insiders, and we banded together to raise Heart back to where she belongs; to place heart where she can beat with joy for the most special woman in the world, my Mommy! The ever industrious amature engineer, Bladder, first chimed in with a solution.

"You see here, folks," she said, "you see here that I have a stick left over from the pinata we had on Cowboy Day. Well, I propose that we poke Heart a bit! That'll raise 'er up!" We all cheered at the ingenious solution. Bladder poked a bit. Heart let forth a heavy sign, and collapsed a bit more into a heap. "According to my calculations," commented Bladder, "that probably should not have happened! Well, I'm fresh out of ideas!"

We all sat around pondering for a bit. Stomach proposed that we use the stick as a sort of catapult, and try to fling Heart back to her post. No go. Heart went flying, but she struck lung, bounced off Throat, tumbled into Stomach, then finally came to rest in a blobular heap on Bladder. Bladder sighed, shimmied out from beneath, and went back to her puzzle (she was doing a puzzle, you see).

Bowel suggested a pulley system of some sort. We soon had cables wraped firmly around Heart, and with a "Heave! Ho!" she began to rise through the Inside. Unfortunately, she got stuck half way up (my Mommy has a very big Heart, you see).

Everyone started to give up. Heart was just not budging. She laid there, sighing. Occasionally, she perked up just a bit, looked around, then smush! went she into a pile. I was so sad, my friends! To see Heart so down, to feel Mommy so sad? It was more than a little guy like me could take. I slumped against Heart, and rested my head on hers.

"Gosh, Heart, what am I to do? I'm so worried about you and Mommy. Gosh, do I ever love my Mommy! I know everything is new and different, but it is still me in here!" Ba-Dum! What the heck was that?! Heart twitched, then flexed a muscle! Goodness. I scurried all round her, trying to figure out what had happened. I saw no poking sticks! I saw no cables, or winches, or prying boards! It must have was the love I gave my Mommy.

I soon rounded up everyone I could find. "Heart will rise again!" I shouted. "We need to show Mommy love!" Everyone cheered, and scurried about. Bowel returned with an old Valentine card for Mommy. "Dear Mommy. I love you. Love Always, Your Bowel" read the card. Pancreas sang a song, and Stomach gave Heart a big hug. I nudged and tapped and patted Mommy. Ba-Dum! Ba-Dum! Ba-Dum!! Heart rose some more!

I called to Daddy, and Daddy called to big brother, and big brother called to Aunty B., and Aunty O. called to Nanny O., and Nanny O. called to Aunty M. and Aunty M. called to Uncle T. get the picture. Heart was rising as the love and support of everyone began to pour in. I beamed, folks. I beamed with joy at the spirit and determination of Heart and Mommy. I felt her gentle hand rub belly, and I nestled my head against it. "This is my Mommy," I said, as I drifted to sleep. "I love you, Mommy." And I drifted away to the land of dreams.

Heart still has a distance to travel, but she is getting closer. We can do this together, Mommy. I wish each of my readers sweet dreams; may the day ahead bring happiness in your life, and may you bring happiness into the lives of others.

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