Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Growth Spurt

Good day, everyone! I had a growth spurt!

Last Friday, me, Mommy and Daddy all went to the 7th floor of the big hospital so that Mommy and Daddy could see me on the TV; yes, another ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. Doctor wanted to make sure that I was growing well, and he wanted to see my heart. We got right in, and I heard the oh-so-familiar whirrrrrrrr of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. "Yawn," I yawned as it peeped in on me. "Another one of these things?" I nonchalantly combed my brow, stretched a little, and made myself presentable. I used to get all spruced up for these things, but we have had so many lately, that I guess Mommy and Daddy can see me in my bed clothes once or twice; heck, they will change my diaper when I am out - or so I have been told.

Well, I heard Mommy and Daddy's "Ooooo's" and "Ahhhhhh's" as they watched me on the TV. I was still pretty sleepy, so I have a big yawn and a stretch. Apparently, Mommy and Daddy saw this and liked it very much. At that moment, Heart (Mommy's heart) bounded upward, nearly landing in her rightful place! Gosh, what a sight. She actually jumped up so fast that she hit her head on Mommy's shoulder bone, then fell back just shy of her usual perch. I had to laugh as Heart half laughed, half moaned at her mistake. Poor Heart. Mommy and Daddy really liked my stretch. I thought to myself, "Its only a stretch! I can do all sorts of cooler things, Mommy!" With that, I proceeded to do several flips, a twist or two, and then sang a rendition of the Miffy song, with backing bugle by Bladder. Unfortunately, the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing was not on at this point.

Doctor took lots and lots of measurements of me from the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. He measured my head, and my legs, and my arms, and my neck, and just about every other part I have! I was quite nervous, being under such close inspection. Soon, I heard Mommy ask if I had grown. "Of course I've grown, Mommy dear!" I exclaimed as I thought back to all the ice cream, veggie dishes, and other foods that Mommy had given me this week. You see, during my last ultra-sound-a-ma-thing, Doctor said that I was more wee than a Wee Too should be. I was wee-er by about two weeks. So, Mommy and I undertook a mission: to eat all the ice cream that we could. Well, we ate other things too, and took our vitamins and all, but the ice cream was the best part.

"I declare! What a boy!" remarked Doctor. Why, two weeks ago, he was all of two weeks wee-er than a Wee Too should be! But now! Now! Now, he is only but five days wee-er than a Wee Too should be!" Mommy giddily made sounds that made no sense, and Daddy applauded, and did an Irish jig on the floor, much to the dismay of everyone in sight. "Good job, Mommy," I said. "Great job, Wee Too," Mommy returned.

During the remainder of the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing I was on cloud nine. I did a little happy dance, then got tired, and curled up into a ball to rest. Poor Doctor. He wanted to get a good view of my heart, but since I was all curled up and very much ball-like, he could not see it as clearly as he had wished. But, he persisted, and saw many good pictures of it.

"I declare!" said Doctor as a nurse played a trumpet. "I declare that Wee Too's heart is better than I had expected! It looks like a fine heart! A fine heart indeed!" he bellowed as the nurse quietly put down her trumpet. Daddy performed another jig, and was asked not to do that every again. Doctor told us that my heart looked very good, and that there did not seem to be anything to require immediate attention, once I am an Outsider.

That was my big news for the week, everyone! Isn't it good news? I am growing fast now, and I have my Mommy on a meatball sub diet. I can feel the meatbally goodness circulating through my ever growing body right now.

I hope this post finds you all well! Have a super-duper day, everyone!

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