Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tickly Feet

Hi everyone! I can honestly say that it really has been a busy time since I last wrote to you. I had very few moments to spare, and any I did have free, I spent working on my Christmas presents for the other Insiders. I am getting Stomach a sock monkey; apparently, this new line of sock monkeys act as both an anti-nausea agent, and they clean house! I am getting Bladder the Best of Miffy. It is actually a compilation of many artists singing the Miffy song. It is really quite moving. I made a present for Bowel. I made her a set of grumpy paper dolls. They have scowls - but cute scowls - and everything. I still don't know what to make Mommy. What could I possibly make my Mommy that would be good enough? Gosh, she takes such good care of me, and takes me everywhere she goes, and she rubs me, and sings to me; how can I give her anything that would compare to that? I'll have to think about it. I am getting Daddy a potato peelers because he should peel more potatoes.

Yesterday I was swimming, and decided to take a dive. Up, over and down! Splash! Well, it was a really good dive, but my head got a little stuck in the bottom of my home. "Um, little help here?" Nothing. Stomach was off teaching a course to some of the other Insiders, so they were all in class! Wiggle, wiggle, grunt. Um. Stuck. Then, all of a sudden, I started to feel funny. "A..ha ha...what's...ha ha...going on?" I asked behind my laugher. My...foot! It feels funny! Um...

Well, it seems that when I took my dive, my feet were, of course, sticking straight up. Mommy happened to be rubbing me at the time, and felt my big ole foot. "Hey, Daddy! Its Wee Too's foot!" Mommy remarked. Then, Daddy found my foot. Tickle, tickle tickle! I don't know what he thought he was doing, and if he thought it was fun, but boy ole boy, it wasn't (well, kind of funny). Have any of you ever had your head stuck in a Womb, with your feet in the air and someone tickling them? I rest my case.

I have more exciting news to report, but I think I'll wait till evening to write any more. Have a super day everyone!

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