Saturday, December 09, 2006


I am so tardy! Big brother has been getting after me so much lately. He told me that I am a born procrastinator. He says I will excel at procrastination throughout my life. He has also warned Mommy of this; upon hearing it, she did a funny little half laugh, half cry thing, saying, "Wee Too will be Inside till August!" then went, "Boo hoo hoo hoo". I found it to be rather sad. I am glad that big brother thinks I am such a good procrastinator, though. It is an honour, even though I don't know what that big word means.

So, how was my week? I'd like to say hectic, but really, it was pretty laid back. Mommy is starting to feel better now, and so is Stomach. They have been sampling more foods, and even keeping some down! That makes me very happy! Earlier this week, me, Mommy, Daddy, big brother, Aunty, and cousins Maegan and Christopher all went out for a romp in the snow! It was super duper fun!

Early in the day, Mommy told Daddy to start getting big brother ready to go out and play. Daddy got out some warm clothes, boots, mitts, a hat, and a snow suit. Mommy and I decided to check our email while Daddy readied big brother. A couple of minutes passed, and Mommy and I heard much struggling. "Just a little further! (ugh) Maybe (ugh) unscrunch your toes a bit, pal?" "Ahhhhhhhhh!" and exchanges of a similar nature. Seems Daddy was having some difficulty preparing big brother for the snow - and it seems big brother was having fun with this ;)

Well, Mommy and I decided to rest our weary bones while the struggle continued. After a few minutes, I was sound asleep. Several times, I woke up to hear grunting; "Just one more (grunt) boot!" "Get (ugh) in there, arm!" "Come on, mitten!" "Ack! The boot fell off pal!" "He he" (big brother). Eventually, I opened my eyes, fully rested. It seemed like I'd been asleep for a month. Daddy shrieked, "we're ready!"

Into the snow we went. Brrrrrr! Mommy and I shivered. Daddy plunked big brother into the snow. With his bulkiness, he rolled over, and began to lick the snow a little. At the urging of Mommy, Daddy rolled big brother back over, and tried to sit him upright. Big brother let out a few squeals of glee, and began to whap the snow with all of his whapping powers! Mommy and I jumped up and down, cheering him on.

Just when I thought we were getting the hang of this snow thing, everyone said, "Ah, that was fun! Time to go in!" "What?!" I exclaimed. "It took us longer to get ready than we spent playing!" Indeed we had. What a strange way of doing things you Outsiders have!

After the fun day in the snow, Big brother went to sleep early, and slept without a peep for over 12 hours! Mommy and Daddy were tired too. We all went to bed nice and early. Since it wasn't my bed time, I laid for a bit, floating and thinking. I thought about all the fun we had in the snow, and just couldn't wait to come out! Gosh! I started to think about going down a big hill with Mommy, Daddy, and big brother. We would all be on a super long crazy carpet. Daddy would probably fall off and roll down the hill, collecting snow like a big snowball. Mommy would be screaming, as she held on to big brother and I. We would have a blast. big brother would be at the helm, controlling the crazy carpet (as best you can control one); he would probably steer us wrong, and we'd go flying into a big snow bank. We'd all get up, brush the snow off, and watch Daddy roll by, and into the field. With that thought, I smiled, and drifted off to sleep land.

I promise you, friends, I'll make every effort to break this posting dry spell! Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

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