Friday, December 22, 2006

A House for Wee Too

Hi everyone! I'm am back (again). Sadly enough, I do have an excuse this time. During the past little bit, Mommy, Daddy, big brother and I were in the place where Mommy grew up. Mommy's grand-mommy (my great grand-mommy) passed away a week ago. It was a very sad week for my Mommy, but I hope that me, big brother and Daddy were able to help her out, and cheer her up even just a teeny little bit.

In happier news, Mommy and Daddy bought me a house! I really do feel bad about it. Mommy and Daddy had gone a couple of times to see about houses, and everything seemed hunkey-dorey to me. I thought that is what people do: they buy houses. Well, I happened to talk to big brother the other day, and you know what? Mommy and Daddy did not buy a house when he was born. They lived in an apartment instead. Big brother explained the whole process to me though. He said that since he was lean and athletic, they had plenty of space in an apartment. However, he said that I am a big penguin, and that we need the space because penguins take up lots of it, and we will need a room filled with ice and a bucket of herring for me to eat and...

...okay, the jokes on nieve Wee Too. Big brother is laughing and rolling around on the floor while Daddy tries to change his diaper. He was fooling me! I guess Mommy and Daddy bought a house because it has a yard and lots of space, and a room with funny colour paint. Well, how was I supposed to know? Big brother said that I am gullable. The word sounds fun when I say it, so I guess it is a compliment.

Anyway, the house looks really neat, I am told. It has a room just for me to live in! I can't wait to see it, and sleep in it. Right now, my Womb is nice and cozy, but I'm growing fast, and it soon will be a tight fit! That room for me will come in very handy. Big brother gets his own room too. It has funny paint on the walls, but Mommy and Daddy will fix that. Mommy and Daddy even get their own rooms! Yeah! I told Mommy that I will stay in the room with her for as long as it takes for her to get used to it.

I will hopefully remember to post more on the house as the time to move in draws closer. We will be moving at the end of February, and we are all very excited. Well, I have to go make Pancreas a Christmas card. Have a great Christmas Eve eve everybody! I'll write again real soon (I hope)!

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