Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Ah, good morning to you, my friends! I am very tired right now. Mommy and I have been working so hard lately! Poor Mommy was exhausted, and went to bed even before big brother. I stayed up, and played a game of BINGO with my fellow Insiders. I happened to win the game, but I kind of wish I hadn't. Everyone got into a big uproar, accusing the BINGO caller of cheating. Stomach got mad at Pancreas. Pancreas picked up a rubber chicken and tried to hit Stomach. Stomach ducked, and the rubber chicken hit Miffy (did I tell you that a clay bunny named Miffy showed up in here today?). Miffy got kind of angry, and hauled out a rubber platapus, swung it in the air, and Bladder in the nose. Bladder got mad and threw a rubber whale at...

It just went on and on. I shook my head, sighed, and went into my Womb. I was kind of tired, but with the tossing and striking of one another with rubber animals going on outside my Womb, there was no way I could go to sleep. So, instead, I took the time to talk for a spell with my Daddy. We got to talking about Storks, and the best flying weather for them, and that lead to a detailed discussion on Outside transportation. I talked for a bit about tircycles and sleds, but Daddy got really excited. "Strollers!" he shouted. "What?!" I replied. I knew what a stroller was - it is the thing with the wheels and the seat, and you have to wear a big puffy winter coat to go in it, and it goes down the road and takes you places.

Well, that old Daddy went on and on and on about strollers. He was really excited. He said that next summer, when I'm out, I'll be too little to walk, so he'll take me all over the city in the stroller. He said that big brother will come along too. Sometimes, he said, I can go in the Snugali, and big brother can go strolling in the stroller. Big brother will be much to big for the snugali, but I'll be a perfect size. Daddy said that we can go to the park, and when the people in green suits aren't looking, we can all sit on the grass and feed the duckys some Cheerios and crackers. We can also all walk up a big hill and look out over the city and the ocean. Daddy said that this is a very pretty view.

On and on Daddy went about the fun that he and I would have strolling. I was quite excited to hear of it all! We will get to walk by the water, and in the grass; we will get to go up hills, and look at birds. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Daddy said that we will get to talk and have all sorts of fun while we walk.

But, it all sounded so nice and relaxing, that I ended up getting tired, yawn, while listening. So I must now go to the land of dreams. I hope you all have a super day tomorrow!

P.S. Mommy and I have an appointment with Good Doctor tomorrow! Yeah! I will let you know how it all went tomorrow. We expect to hear my heartbeat!!

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