Monday, November 27, 2006

Silliness with Wee Too

What will be my name?
Will Mommy call me Sam?
Could you?
Would you eat green eggs and ham,
With a fella named Sam?

But Sam I am,
Or Sam I not,
A name I need,
But a name I a'int got!

Will I be Josh or Jed
Or Jerry or even John?
Or maybe Fay, or Francis,
or Fanny or Fern, or good ole Fawn.

But am I a girl or boy?
If a girl I am, then a boy I'm not!
And if a girl I'm not, then my name isn't Scott!
But if I'm not a girl, then I must be a boy!
But if a boy I am, then surely, surely, I could be Sam.

Enough with the Sam!
I know, I know, it rhymes with ham,
And yes I know it rhymes with jam,
And sure is sure, it rhymes with spam!
But, Sam as a name, its just not the same!
Not the same as Gunther, nor Salmon, nor Rain.

Ah, but I'm being crazy, loopy and silly.
I don't like the name Gunther, Prudence, or Willy.
I know in my heart, deep down, you see,
That Mommy and Daddy will choose the
Perfect name for me!

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