Monday, November 13, 2006

Mommy Sickness = Roger (!?)

I'm getting pretty old, friends. I'm firmly into my second trimester. I read today that all my teeth have formed, and are beneath my gums, waiting to come out. I weigh around an ounce, and am around 3 inches long. That's pretty impressive. Why, I remember back when I was no larger than an apple seed. Gosh, I thought I would be that size forever. But the time has just flown by for me.

Mommy, on the other hand, seems to think that the time just crawling on. It could be because I have been making her feel so sick. I feel so badly about this. I'm just laughin' and swimmin' 'round in here, not a care in the world; growing teeth and digestive organs, while poor Mommy is walking around with a bucket under her chin at all hours of the day. I have been trying my very best to make you feel well, Mommy. Bowel suggested that we all chant, "Stomach, no puking! Stomach, no puking! Stomach! No puking!" We tried it, but Stomach said, "why, oh why did you say that?! That word!" Bladder piped up, "She must mean we're not allowed to say the word, 'puking'." I chimed in, "No, no, no, no, no..." at this moment, Mommy seemed to get more and more ill, "No! It has to be the word 'Stomach'!" Pancreas piped in with her two and a quarter cents worth, "Ni!". We later found out that Stomach was a bit sensitive to the word, "no" on that particular day, so we refrain from using it too much now.

We have tried other things, too. Appendix read in a pamplet left us by a passing Pizza that if one part eye, and three parts newt are combined, and sprinkled hither and fro, Mommy's sickness will pass. After much toil, we found eye and newt. Unfortunately, the newt got away. So much for that plan! I tired being on my best behaviour. I always made sure Womb was neat and tidy. I got up early each day and did my swimming, and went to bed early. No luck! Mommy was still groaning.

We are working on a new plan right now. I cannot go into the details of it, but if any of you have a spare duck we could borrow for a day or so, it would be greatly appreciated. Also - and don't let on I told you this, as it is still unconfirmed - there have been sightings of a little green puking thing living just under Stomach! Pancreas claims she has spoken with it - it is a he, and his name is Roger. Roger is Puking Monster. After a little research, I found that a Puking Monster is native to the temperate latitudes, and is required to be in an expectant Mommy at all times. It lays in the Mommy, and makes her sick. No one quite knows why. We think that if we can surround Roger, we can befriend him, and then, then he will be a happy monster, and let Mommy feel better. That is the plan, anyway. Below is a picture of Roger. Mommy, he is the culprit! It is he who is making you sick!

So, I am off to the land of snoozing. I will see all of you tomorrow! Have a wonderful day! Mommy and I certainly will (I love you Mommy, and will get that awful Puking Monster for you! Grrr! Roger!). Smile, everyone!

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