Saturday, November 11, 2006

13th Conception Day (Jamboree Day)

Well, friends, family, and well wishers; today is my 13th conception day! That means I have been on the Inside for 13 full weeks! Amazing! Time certainly has flown. So much so, that I did not even realise this special milestone in my life was upon me. I have received many hearty congratulations today, a few shakes of my hand, and a pat on the back or two. Mommy and Daddy are very happy for me. Mommy said I am in the second trimester! Wow! I like it! Mommy told me that means she doesn't have to worry as much. Mommy, you don't need to worry at all! I'm doin' just super!

In the afternoon today, all of us on the Inside got together for the big 13th conception day celebration. On the sly - perhaps while I was sleeping - Stomach and Bowel whispered and whispered, coming up with a theme. They chose Jamboree Day! What a sight! Stomach wore a straw hat, and was chewing on a piece or grass or something; Bowel went all out, and rented a tractor to drive. Bladder sat on a bail of hay, spitting into a spitoon.

We all dined, and had a glorious feast. As tradition would dictate, following the feast, everyone gathered round to hear Stomach and Bowel sing a charming little song. We all settled in, as they took to the stage. Bowel was riding up on her tractor, and had a mouth harp. Twang twang! it went. Stomach adjusted her overalls, and took out her instrument; the spoons. Clickety-clack-clack she tapped on her knee. Everyone was ready.


Pick up yer feet, 'n stomp th' ground!
Our little Wee Too is the best a-round.
Growin' an' a swimmin', an' a chewin' on sum hay,
Congratulations, Wee Too! Its yer thirteenth conception day!

Well, yer gettin' older, but yer only gettin' better,
Oh! Here Wee Too, Bladder knit ya a sweater!
But, oh yeah, partner, back ta tha song,
Here comes th' chorus, after Stomach hits a gong.


Con-gra-tulations on yer big day!
We've all gathered here, cuz we've sumthin' ta say.
(Clickety-clickety-clack-clack) Hip-hip-horray!
Congratulations Wee Too, on yer 13th conception day!

Stomach's spoon solo...


Oh, Wee Too! Happy Day! We are so proud!
You've done so well (Stomach, yer loud!)
You make Mommy sick, but that jus' means yer okay,
Congratulations Wee Too, its yer 13th conception day!


(applause and general merriment) Yeah!


(Oop, sorry, that slipped - Stomach)

With that, Stomach collapsed on the stage, did this funny little dance thing, then broke into another solo on her spoons. She was sweating. Bowel motored off on her tractor to plant corn. I was left with about the biggest smile you ever could imagine. Big brother was tapping on Belly saying, "Happy 13th conception day! I bet your having a blast!" I tapped back, "Thank you big brother. No, we are not having a blast; we are having a jamboree! It is great fun! Care to join us?" "Golly, a jamboree sounds swell, but I don't have a ride, so I guess I gotta go play with a bus."

The crowd dispersed, with a few straglers hanging around to get Stomach's autograph. I snuggled back into my home, and closed my eyes for a nap. What a splendid day! Have a lovely day, everyone! Swwet dreams.

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