Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Perfect Autumn Day, Part I

I have a new friend, everyone! Yeah! His name is Abner, and he is really nice! When we got up this morning, big brother was really excited. "I got a singing clown telegram from him, Mommy!" he shouted. "He' the pumpkin patch! We have to go get him! Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! We have to go!" Big brother was in such an excited state. I had to ask him what he was jabbering about.

"Big brother? Oh, big brother?" I called from the Inside.

"Yes, Wee Too!" he replied in a chipper voice.

"Oh, big brother! What is this about a pumpkin patch, and a clown, and a telegram? Oh, do tell!"
"It is so great, Wee Too! There is this guy - he's a pumpkin - and he comes here every year, and he was supposed to be here last year when I became an Outsider, but he wasn't because I stayed in too long, so I missed meeting him, but he wrote me a letter, and sent me a postcard, and he's coming back, and he likes me, and he will like you too, and his name is Abner, and he is big, and cousin Christopher would smile at him."

"A...pumpkin?" I questioned.

"Yeah! A pumpkin! He is big and round and orange and smiles and has a pet bat, and wears a funny grey hat, and the cat likes him!"

"Oh! A pumpkin!" I replied.

The excitement was just too much for big brother. He got really sleepy, and went in his crib. Mommy and I decided to go out for a coffee with some of her friends while big brother slept. We had a delightful time! But, before I knew it, we were picking up big brother, and heading to the pumpkin patch. "Mommy! A pumpkin patch! Abner's there! Mommyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted big brother as we piled into Opel.

Through the rain we all drove. Big brother was in such an excited state. We played "Eye Spy" during the trip. "I spy with my little eye something that is Mooing!" Big brother stated. " it...ummm...a..." I trailed off. We soon realised that it was too hard, as big brother was referring to a cow, and cows are quite scarce on the Inside. We stopped that game, and talked about pumpkins.

We arrived at the pumpkin patch, and all piled out of Opel. Big brother raced around, calling out, "Abner! Abner?" Mommy and I walked among the pumpkins in the damp Autumn air. We stopped to watch big brother. I heard a small voice from below us. "Ummm...excuse me, baby in the belly..." it said. I did not know what was going on, but I knew it was talking to me. "Can I help you with something, little voice?" I answered. "Yes, baby. You see, I'm a very little pumpkin - a gourd - and it is rainy out here, and I really like you. Can you take me home with you? I'm a good gourd, and we can be friends. My name is Rusty."

I was touched, my dear friends. Just as Mommy was about to bend down and pick up the gourd, big brother sprang into action. He grabbed Rusty, stood on his knees holding him to the sky. He had heard the whole conversation. "Wee Too! Look! Its Rusty! A lil' pum'kin! He likes you! Let's take him home!" Mommy carefully took Rusty, and cradled him in her arms. We then heard a mighty bellow.

"Heeeellllllllloooooooo!" came a thunderous voice. "Abner!" cried big brother, and he motored through the wet grass. We all followed. Mommy and Daddy stopped suddenly, as big brother embraced Abner. "What...what's the matter, Mommy?" I asked. Daddy stammered a reply: "Ummm...Hi, Abner, ole pal! I see you've ummm...eaten well since last Autumn! You look great." But with this, Daddy lost his element of shock at the size of our friend, and gave him a big hug. Mommy and I joined in, welcoming the ole boy home. It was a touching moment, friends.

Soon, we were all safe and snug in Opel, and on our way home. Mommy and I were driving, and let me tell you, wasn't there a commotion in the back seat! You see, aside from Abner and my little gourd, Rusty, we had found Abner's cousin, Herbert, who lives with Uncle. At the last minute, before we left, the nice lady who looks after the pumpkins gave big brother a delightful little gourd, named Tuck. So, all at once, Abner was excitedly recounting his adventures of the past year; Rusty was looking at everything, so excited to have a home; Herbert, oddly enough, was sleeping, and big brother was playing all sorts of games and fun with Tuck. What a crowd we were!

But, my dear friends, my eyes are growing tired. I've so much more to write of this perfect Autumn day. Tomorrow, my friends, tomorrow I will conclude. Now, I must rest. Mommy and I have to get up before the rooster and work in the morning. Until then, I wish you all the happiest of days, and I look forward to concluding my story. Cheerio.

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