Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm Still Here!

Ack! What a neglectful Wee Too I am! Just before big brother went to bed this evening, he pulled me aside. "Wee Too, we have to talk," he said in a solemn tone. "Why yes, big brother, whatever seems to be the matter? You seem concerned!" "Oh, I am concerned, Wee Too. There has been some talk lately..." "Oh my!" I interjected. "...there has been some talk lately about your tardiness in posting to your blog. Back in my day, when I was an Insider, I always kept up with my posting. I don't know about you young folks!"

I tried to stammer a reply, but none came. Big brother is so wise. He is almost a year old, and in that year, he has learned so much. I hung my head a little, and promised big brother that I would return to regular posting.

So, here I am, everyone! I promised you way back a very long time ago the conclusion to our perfect day. Now that so much time has passed, I will have to keep it breif, as I do have other tales to tell, and yarns to weave.

A Perfect Autumn Day (The Conclusion)

When we got home with our many pum'kin friends, we let them down on the floor with big brother to explore and have some fun before it was time to eat. Mommy and I went to the computer to check our mail and such. Before we knew it, I heard the delighted squeal of big brother, and this funny, spinning, whirling sound that was almost like Abner. "WoooOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOooooOOOOooooOOOOoooo..." it went over and over again. Curious, Mommy and I twirled around in our chair. On the floor, big brother was rolling poor Abner along! Oh my! Well, big brother had about the biggest smile on his face that you'd ever imagine, and Abner, he was dizzy as dizzy ever was. He seemed to be enhoying himself, but what a sight it was. Abner, you might remember from my last post, is a big lad; so, big brother, as strong as he is, soon grew tired from the pum'kin rolling, and slouched on the floor next to our friend.

It was soon time for the official welcome home to Abner. Daddy got out all of Abner's favourite things - his shirt and bat, his shoes, his hat, and the magical marker that makes him come to life. Huddled in a corner, Daddy spoke to Abner, as he busied himself in finding the face. We were all asked to look away. I swear I could hear a faint drum roll as we were asked to turn around. 'Da da da daaaa!' Abner! Before us he stood, happy as a pie (eep...perhaps the worng term to use when referring to pum'kins?)! He was missing his hat. Daddy passed it to Mommy and me, "Here, I give you the honours," he said. You see, it is his hat this fully brings him to life, much like a snow man that most know very well. I spoke, "Let big brother have the honours...I will have my turn next year, when I am on the Outside." Big brother was touched, and accepted the honour. Daddy lifted him to Abner, and he plunked the hat right on the top of his head. Abner sprang to life, and big brother let out a squeal of delight, and the biggest grin ever. For the remainder of the evening, he sat staring at Abner, chattering, smiling, and pointing. I let big brother have his moment, and will save mine for next year. We all retired to bed safe and sound, and had a long Autumn's nap.


Gosh, folks! That finishes off the yarn I was weaving way back, but now I have som much more to write. Instead of including these tales in the same entry, I will work over the next few days in catching up. I hope that everyone has been swell! I missed you all! Have a great day!

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