Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Our Big Day

Goodness me! What a day we all had today. Today, I went to work, and Mommy came along to help me out. I told her that she could stay home, but she insisted that it was impossible for her to stay, and me to go. Silly Mommy! Well, we all woke up very early. It was still dark, and the clock had a four as its first number. I was wide awake, and already dressing for the big day when Mommy woke up. We all busied ourselves with this and that, and rushed out the door, into our trusty car, Opel. Big brother was a sleepy head and left in his PJs. He and Daddy played with a toy chicken in the car, and I think they had great fun.

We dropped Daddy off at work, and he said goodbye to the three of us. We then motored along to drop off big brother at Aunty's place, so he could baby sit them. Mommy was very worried leaving him, and was afraid that he was too young to baby sit. Although Mommy did not say so, I know she really missed him because he is such a good big brother to me, and she likes it when he helps baby sit me. Well, that big brother of mine is a tough ol' guy, and we left him playing with a bus on Aunty's floor. Off Mommy and I motored for work.

The day went by just great. I took it easy on Mommy, and did most of the work. I am just a little guy or gal right now, so whenever I had to talk to people, I would tell whatever I had to say to Mommy, and she would say it to the people. Our system worked super duper! At work, someone else had a baby in their belly. We chatted all day long. It was great fun. I kept shouting to Mommy: "Mommy? Hellloooooo? Can you introduce me to the nice lady with the baby in her belly? Helloooooooo?" Mommy whispered to me: "Oh, my sweet Wee Too. We will introduce you to everyone pretty soon, but not right now. You see, my little baby, you are so special that I just can't tell people right away. Why, if I were to tell someone without any warning, they would probably go bonkers; that is how special you are! We need to ease people into the introduction, give them time to take it in." "Oh, Mommy! That makes sense to me," I said. "It feels good to be so special, but, gosh, I did not think it would affect people like that! Wow...do I ever have a lot to learn about the Outside."

So, Mommy and I worked, and Daddy worked doing his thing, and big brother took care of Aunty and cousins. Soon the time had come to be reunited with big brother and Daddy. Mommy and I buckled ourselves in, and motored back the way we came. First stop: big brother! We pulled in the driveway and big brother greeted us. "Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy!" he exclaimed. "Mommy! You're back! I took good care of Aunty and cousins, and I did not have time to eat much or poop, but I had a nap and talked with Daddy on the computer, and played with a bus, and watched the dog do a trick for a biscuit, and I did eat a grape, and cousin Maegan brought me toys, and cousin Christopher smiled at me, and he smiled at the wall, and at the window, and at the floor, and at my toys, and at his toys, and we had fun, but can we go home now?"

Off we went. Next stop? Daddy! He was waiting outside for us. Big brother had fallen asleep from his big day, so we all chatted in a whisper. When we arrived home, we all shared the stories about our day, and big brother ate Daddy's nose and gave us hugs and kisses. Everyone is asleep right now, and I am bushed myself! Being a worker bee is hard work! We will all do it again tomorrow! Have a great day, everyone!

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