Monday, October 09, 2006

Mommy's Big Day

Today my Mommy is really sad. She has to go back to work in the morning. I have been trying to think of cheerful things to do to make her happy again. I thought of hiring a clown to sing and dance for her at work, but Bladder reminded me that I don't have any way to pay the clown (without clothes, let alone pockets, where would I even keep money to begin with?!) I then thought that I could do a little dance for her (a traditional Insider jig); I did the dance, but poor Mommy is still sad.

During on of big brother's many trips over Mommy today, I called out to him. "Big brother!" I shouted. He paused while on Mommy's belly. He began to get excited, and patted Belly with much enthusiasm; "Hey Wee Too! I'm driving a train over you!" he called out with glee. "I know, big brother. You seem to be having quite a bit of fun. Can you help me out, big brother? Its for our Mommy." "For our Mommy? Oh, definitely! Anything for Mommy. She is the best Mommy in the whole wide universe!"

I told him that Mommy was sad because she had to go back to work in the morning. He laid on Mommy's belly scratching his head, thinking. "Hmmmm...this is a dilly!" he pondered aloud. "Mommy is sad, because she has to go back to work, and I have to go play baby sitting at Aunty's. Well, I hope she knows that I will take good care of Aunty, and cousin Maegan, and cousin Christopher. I will make sure that they all eat enough, have plenty of buses to play with, and nap at regular times. Mommy: you can count on me! I will take good care of all of them while you are at work. I will make you proud, Mommy!"

"Brilliant!" I said in response to big brother's monologue. "You are going to do such a good job baby sitting Aunty and our cousins. Now, Mommy is still sad...hmmmm..." I trailed off. Big brother is much older than I, and is so wise. He knew just what to do. "I know!" he shouted. "I can let Mommy drive trains over me! When I am upset because I can't eat power cords, or play with sharp things, I always drive trains over people." Big brother laid down on the floor, and nudged his train over to Mommy. Mommy and I drove the train over big brother, and we all laughed.

Mommy is sleeping now. She is still sad, and both me and big brother and Daddy understand this. But, Mommy, the three of us are here to give you hugs and kisses and love, and to dance jigs for you, and you can drive trains over us. We love you so much. Don't worry a bit about big brother. He is a big boy, and will take excellent care of Aunty and cousins. You and me, we will go to work together, and have a grand time! We will be busy worker bees, and every time you feel sad, I will kick bladder really hard, and you can go pee-pee to get away from the hustle and bustle for a few minutes. Have lots and lots of fun, Mommy, and we will all make it through it. Then, before you can say, "Goodness gracious! Here comes Wee Too!", I will be here, and you will be feeding me, and keeping big brother out of trouble, and taking us places, and all of that fun stuff. Wear a smile, Mommy. You have three cheerleaders (me, big brother and Daddy) on your side. Go Mommy! Yeah Mommy! You can do it Mommy! We all love you.

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