Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My Ultra-sound-a-ma-thing

Greeting, and hello to you all! I am officially a 10 week, 4 day old Insider. Yup. Ten weeks and four days. 29 weeks, 3 days to go! Yes, those are the official results from the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. Perhaps you are wondering about whether it was determined if I was a penguin, a chicken, or a little baby! Well, early results suggest that I am, indeed, a little baby, but as you can see from the above image, the results are inconclusive. The top picture is what Mommy and Daddy saw on the television screen. The bottom is a picture taken of me by dear Pancreas. Now, I don't know much about technology (gosh! such a big word!) but the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing is supposed to be quite a piece of technology. Pancreas' old camera is really a pinhole camera (a black cardboard box with a pin hole in it, and film inside); according to Daddy, this is a pretty un-technological thing. Well, as you can see, the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing did me no justice at all! Gosh, I look like a bean bag in it! On a side note, Mommy noticed that I looked like a bean bag too, so she has affectionately nicknamed me Bean Bag! Hurray! I really like the name, so feel free to use it!

Anyway! Where was I? Ah, the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. Well, I really have a rather amusing story to tell about that, but first I will let you know a little more about the end results. Mommy and Daddy were just ticked pink to see me, in spite of my bean bag like looks. The evening after this all took place, while Mommy was sleeping, Daddy and I sat down for a chat. He told me that he thought I was just the most special bean bag he'd ever seen! I will admit (an explain later in this post) that I was sleeping during the viewing. Daddy said he thought it was just the most peaceful thing he'd ever seen. On the screen, this little bean bag, sleeping away, comfortable on the Inside, with this big, beautiful, heart beating. He said it was very touching, and that he is very proud of me. I am glad that he enjoyed it, and that he got to see my heart. I am quite proud of it, and have been working hard on making it a good one.

Well, my little stories are all over the place today! I guess it is time to back up a little, and let you know why I was sleeping in the above pictures. It all began the night before the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. As you know from my last post, I was super excited. I knew it would be hard to sleep, so I decided to get an early start. I put on my night cap, and laid down to peacefully float around, and hopefully float off to the land of dreams! I was half asleep, when all of a sudden, I heard a loud wrapping on my door! Wrap, wrap wrap! it went over and over. I took off my night cap, and went to the door. "Who is it?" I called in a sleepy tone. "Penguin here." came a voice on the other side. A penguin? "A penguin?" I responded. Then, a thought occurred to me! Heavens! I couldn't let a penguin in! I had no clue if it was morning or night, and when the ultra-sound-a-ma-thing would be. What if I let in the penguin, and Mommy and Daddy got to look at me while he was still around? Gosh! They'd think he was me, and that I was the penguin, and that my name was Pablo, and what a mess it would be!

I spoke again: "Terribly sorry, Mr. Penguin, but I must ask you to leave. You can call again another day, but right now is not a good time. I'm so sorry!" I stammered. I heard a sniff. "Aw, gee!" he said, flapping a flipper against his side. "Aw, gee, golly and gosh! I flew from the south pole to see you (and you know, flying isn't that easy for me!). I got you a present and everything..." at this, I saw a package slide under the door. It was a smiling fishy. He continued: "Ma told me that you'd be happy to see me, Pablo! In you're last letter to me, you said, 'Benny'..." at this I interrupted. "Oh, kind Mr. Penguin! I fear you're mistaken! Although there is a possibility I am a penguin named Pablo, it is more likely that I'm a little baby named Wee Too. Here, sir, have your smiling fishy back." At this, Mr. Penguin flapped another flipper, and muttered something about taking a wrong turn by the ovary. Phew! Back to bed I went.

No sooner had I got to sleep, then another knock came upon my door. Half asleep, I floundered around, and found the door. "I'm sorry, Mr. Penguin. Perhaps Stomach will let you stay with her for the night," I said, trying not to be harsh with Mr. Penguin. "Tee hee," came a faint laugh from the other side of the door. Somehow, it did not sound terribly penguinish. "Tee hee! I'm a chicken!" Goodness! I immediately shook my tiredness off. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Chicken, but now is not a good time. Perhaps you can stop by tomorrow evening for a spell." At this, Ms. Chicken said that she'd return tomorrow night, and that she'd bring some corn with her. Phew!

I did not know what time it was, or how long I'd slept. I decided to stay awake, and float around a bit, practicing my swimming. Everything was quiet on the Inside. Time passed, and no one stirred. My eyes were growing very tired, so I put my night cap back on, and decided I had time for a little nap. I immediately fell into a deep, deep sleep.

The next thing I knew, I heard Daddy whispering: "Aw, poor Wee Too. The little guy or gal is all tuckered out. Sweet dreams, dear Wee Too, sweet dreams." I felt Daddy rub Mommy's tummy, and I felt all warm and safe inside. My eyes closed, and I was fast asleep again, dreaming about Mommy. So, I slept through my very first ultra-sound-a-ma-thing. But Mommy and Daddy are happy, so I'm happy. Heck, I even got a delightful new name out of it. Bean Bag. I like it.

So, to all of my readers, sweet dreams to you, too! I am just about to turn out the light, put on my night cap, and drift off to sleep myself. 29 weeks, and 3 days to grow! Good night, everyone. Sweet dreams.

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