Saturday, October 28, 2006

Big Brother's Big Day(s): Day One

Hello everyone! Phew! What a whirlwind few days we have all had. On Friday, the 27th of October, big brother turned one year old! He is an old man! Heck, on Outside years, I am still not even a positive number, so big brother is ancient! He is pretty wise, though. I will let you in on a little conversation we had over the course of his birthday festivities (I will write of this tomorrow).

First, though, maybe you would like to know what we all did for big brother's big day! Well, on Friday we all woke nice and early to a beautiful, but chilly day. Brrr. It was actually kind of cold! We bundled ourselves and big brother up, and headed out in our trusty steed, Opel, for the mall. The mall is a rather delightful place. It has all sorts of rooms in it, and one room is filled from front to back with toys! Gosh! We took big brother into this room, and told him that since it was his big day, he could pick out a toy for himself! How lucky! I thumped on Mommy; "Its a big day for me too! I want a toy!" Mommy quietly told me that I, too, would have a big day like big brother's, and that I'd have the chance to pick out a toy too. Mommy knows best! I laid back, and listened to big brother "Oo-ing" as he pointed at all the toys. He pointed at big pillows with friendly creatures on them, and at trucks and cars, and buses. He kept pointing and pointing! Soon, I heard drool hitting the floor, and big brother trying to stammer something, as he pointed in awe.

"B...B...Big B...B...Button!" he stammered as he spoke. "B...Big ... Red ... Button (drool)..." Before big brother there indeed was a big red button. In his excitement, big brother failed to notice that on the same toy, there was a big yellow button, and a big blue button! Three buttons! "Mommy Mommy Mommy! I want that! The one with the big button! See it? Its a red button, and its big and red and I want it!"

Being big brother's big day, big brother got what he wanted. Soon, we were happily leaving the big toy room with a bag. In the bag was a box, and in the box was a thing with a big red button. Yeah! I was happy for big brother (as a side note, when we all got home, we discovered the big buttons do things! It is so cool! They make stuff happen on the television, like making rabbits jump, and run real fast, and making babies look at people and animals! What a button!).

While we were still at the mall, we went into another room that had clothes in it. Apparently, clothes are often worn on the Outside. Strange! Daddy pushed big brother in the stroller, and through the aisles we went. "Alright, son," said Daddy. "Whatever you want!" According to Daddy, it was a special occasion to get clothes for big brother at this store. Soon, big brother had picked out two shirts, and two pair of jeans. He liked them a lot. Big brother is an artist, you see. His medium is Zoodles, and his canvas himself. When big brother is selecting clothes, he searches for the perfect canvas upon which to paint a splendid Zoodle picture. "These will do just fine!" he said. And away we went; another bag of birthday for big brother.

I figured we would head for home. You see, I have been making Mommy quite ill lately, and this means she has to lay on the couch with a bucket near by. Whenever we go out, Mommy misses her bucket, and we have to go home, and find it. Well, as soon as we left the mall, big brother said, "That was fun (yawn) but now we have to go home so Mommy can play with bucket. I guess I will (yawn) take a little (yawn) nap." Big brother stretched out, lay his head on Daddy's hand, and fell quickly asleep. I yawned too. I stretched out, lay my head on Mommy's Inside parts, and drifted off for a lunchtime nap.

Soon, big brother and I heard clinking and clanking, and pouring, and munching, and chattering and walking, and sipping, and drinking, and colouring, and cooking. "Wha?" said big brother, still half asleep. "Bucket! Is that you making that racket? Can't a one year old get some sleep around here?" I listened keenly to everything, and big brother looked around. "I don't think this is home, big brother." I concluded. "Who's that? Who's that? And that! And that?!!" shouted big brother as he looked about. We were in a restaurant. Big brother given a crayon, and I was given an iced tea. We all got comfy. In a restaurant, you ask people to make you food, and they make it, and do the dishes, and clean and everything! Gosh! A nice lady brought big brother juice in a cup with a straw. Big brother put the straw in his mouth, and sucked a little. "Wooooooowwwwwwwww wwwweeeeeeeee!" said big brother! "A bluh bluh bluh bluh!" he continued, shivering and shaking his head! "What in the name of tractors and trains was that! Gimme more!" Big brother had discovered the principles of straw use. He tried to explain it to me later, but Whosh! right over my head it went. I am a little too young to understand advanced physics, big brother!

Lunch at the restaurant continued, and big brother ate a big pile of French fries, and a big pile of fish, and Mommy and I ate great stuff, and Daddy had something. What fun it was! We all had a splendid time. I talked to all the babies in bellies that were there. Several of them whispered, as they were secrets still (like me, sometimes!) It is fun sneaking, cuz then we get to jump out and say, "Boo!" at the people we are sneaking from! Oh! I went a little off topic. Anyway, that was big brother's big day, day one.

I did not intend to type so much! I will finish my story tomorrow, with day two of big brother's big day. Now, I must get off to bed. The rain outside is raining, the wind blowing, and the Daddy snoring (the Daddy is not outside like the wind and the rain; he's in here, but if he keeps up that racket, I may ask Mommy to put him outside - just joking, Daddy!) As you can tell, I am in a jesting mood tonight. Ack! I keep going off topic! Well, I guess all I have left to say is goodnite to you all! I shall see you here tomorrow! Until then! Cheerio.

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