Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I must apologise for my tardiness in not posting quite frequently enough lately. I have been very busy growing. Today was my first ever Thanksgiving. It was very fun, and I got to eat all sorts of yummy treats. I got to have turkey, which I am told is a big sort of bird. I also got to have a pie and stuffing, and squash and potatoes! It was a fantastic feast.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner over at my Aunty's place. Aunty and Uncle, and Cousins Maegan and Christopher, and Nanny and Grampy were there. What a crowd! When the supper bell rang, we all flocked to the table like a bunch of hungry people waiting for turkey. Big brother got strapped into his high chair, and was given a bountiful plate of food. Mommy and I sat down to the feast ourselves. Poor Cousin Christopher was left to watch the festivities from his bouncing chair on the floor. Everything seemed picture perfect. Mommy and I were enjoying our food, big brother was pushing his food around on his tray like it was a truck, and Daddy was trying to keep big brother from driving his food off the tray.

Soon, big brother began to get ever so chatty with me. "Watch this!" he bellowed to me, as he spit out his food and juice out, all over his neck and tray. "Pretty neat, huh?!" he chimed in. I agreed that it was very neat, and congratulated him on the fine accomplishment. Pretty soon, Cousin Christopher began to feel left out. You see, cousin had his dinner before us. He had cereals and veggies. He liked his dinner very much. But, that ole big brother of mine, he was feeling quite jovial, and began to have some fun with cousin. He'd put a piece of turkey in his mouth, and say, "Boy ol' boy! And I though cereal was good! Gosh, turkey is even better!" Poor cousin did not know that big brother was teasing him. Cousin began to reach toward the table. "Turkey turkey turkey turkey!" he repeated over and over and over.

Aunty had to pick him up. He saw turkey on the plate. Big brother took a bite of his own, and said, "Mmmmmm..." Cousin became very upset, and continued to repeat "Turkey!" over and over again. My big brother may be a silly joker at times, but he has a heart of gold. He saw that his little joke went too far, and felt really sad for cousin Christopher. He began to swat his turkey this way and that. "Yuck!" he said. "Turkey is so gross! I want cereal! Why does cousin get all the good food, and we just get silly old turkey?!" Christopher stopped crying. "Sniff sniff..." he said. "Really? Cereal is better than turkey?" "Of course! yelled big brother, excitedly! He then mustered some tears, and began crying for cereal. Cousin Christopher smiled his big smile, and happily watched everyone eat their turkey, content that he got cereal. What a brother I have!

The remainder of the meal was splendid. A feast, big brother's entertainment, and good company! What a Thanksgiving it was! Now I am full and tired! I have so much more I wish to write, but I need to head for sleepy time. I hope you all have a splendid Thanksgiving! I will write to you again tomorrow! Cheerio!

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