Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Day of Silliness

Yes, Happy October 4th to you all! I realise that it will be October 5th by the time you read this, so Happy Belated October 4th to you all! We have all had such a lovely time here on the Inside today. But I will admit, my friends in here are a bit silly.

I awoke this morning to Bladder blaring a bugle in my ear, and throwing confetti. "Happy October the 4th, Wee Too!" she shouted, and bugled a bit more. Stunned by this boisterous bugling, I stammered, "Um, the same to you, Bladder..." Then, in a flash, Bladder was off to wake all the other Insiders, blaring her bugle as she went. It takes me a bit to wake up in the morning, so I laid back in my home and watched the festivities unfold. Surly old Bowel rose with such a cheery smile! "Goodness me," said she, "but has it really been a year since October the 4th of last year?" "Indeed it has!" shouted Bladder with glee. Surly old Bowel clapped her hands, and made squeaking sounds.

After Bladder had bugled herself out, she vanished from my sight, saying in passing that there was so much to be done. Stomach knocked on my door. Before I knew it, she had placed a ring of flowers around my neck. She called it a leis. I looked at in in great confusion. "What if I'm a boy?" I asked, "isn't this a little strange?" "No worries, Wee Too! Pancreas concluded just last night that you are a penguin, so everything is a-okay!" "I'm a penguin now?" I said, looking at myself. Interesting. Stomach skipped off, and I was left even more baffled than before.

So the day continue. With each minute, I grew more and more amazed with the atmosphere in here. Everyone was so happy! At lunch, we feasted on kidney beans, which is really quite a treat! Everyone laughed and joked. All day, everyone kept saying, "That's a big 10-4, buddy!" and then would proceed to laugh such a hearty laugh. Stomach laughed belly laughs, I was told. During lunch, I inquired as to the 10-4 bit. Apparently, October the 4th is the tenth month, and fourth day. Well, in trucker lingo, 10-4 means goodbye. I still don't understand entirely, but I laughed at it anyway.

As evening set upon us, everyone got even more peculiar. Bladder showed up with a ohe hano ihu. "What the heck is that thing?!" I asked. "Oh," replied Bladder placing the thing-a-ma-jig with a weird name to her nose. "Its a Hawaiian nose flute!" she said whilst blowing in it. Bowel began to bang on a drum. Bladder fluted away on her nose flute. Then, what did I see? Stomach comes swiveling in, wearing a leis and a grass skirt. The music became faster, and Stomach began to dance! If only you could have seen this! I have included above a picture of Stomach doing her thing. It was such fun. I could not help myself. Even though I did not really know what was going on, I began to laugh and clap! Everyone was just so happy! Bladder and Bowel continued with their music for some time, with everyone taking a turn hulaing.

Amidst the silliness on the Inside, I heard Mommy talking with Daddy. "But Daddy," said she with a tremor in her voice, "But Daddy, I feel great! Oh, I'm so worried! Is everything okay with Wee Too? Where is my nausea? Where is my absent mindedness? Why, oh why do I feel good?" exclaimed Mommy in such a worry.

"Stop!" I yelled to all my friends on the Inside. Everyone stopped, and the Inside went quiet. "Everyone! You are having too good a time! Stomach! Feel sick right now!" Stomach twisted herself, and gurgled a bit. "Bowel, wipe that smile off your face and be surly old Bowel again!" Bowel grumbled, tied herself in a marvelous knot, and rumbled a bit. "Brain! Stop thinking so much!" Brain decided to tell Mommy to put the telephone in the fridge.

Satisfied at my work, I laid back. "Ah, that's the stuff!" said Mommy as she held a pukie bucket next to her head just in case. "I love you too, Wee Too." With that, Mommy groaned a bit, forgot some stuff, and fell asleep, content in my well being. Still largely confused by the day, I settled into my home for a long October's nap. I must say, these Insiders are a great bunch, but I don't think I could take another silly day like today. Fortunately, I will be on the Outside next October. I must sleep now, my friends. I hope to wake to the grumps of surly old Bowel tomorrow. I'm sorry that everyone in here felt good today, Mommy, and that this worried you! I will keep this bunch in line. Goodnite, everyone.

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