Sunday, October 29, 2006

Big Brother's Big Day(s): Day Two

Hi again, everyone! As promised, I have returned for the telling of the second part of big brother's big day (that is to say, Day Two). Day Two was not officially big brother's birthday, but the official day after big brother's birthday. You see, as the story goes, big brother was a little late being born, so it is only logical that his party would miss his birthday. Big brother is silly like that. Anyway, the night before, Mommy, Daddy and I stayed up real late decorating for the big party. Oh, we worked really hard! Mommy and I blew up balloons, and put a big truck sign on the door, and pinned up a donkey, upon which tails would the next day be pinned; we put numbers on trucks, and made gift bags, and bought all the party food. Daddy made a race track out of construction paper and tape. When we were finally finished, we were all pooped. We went to bed, excited about the party.

The next morning, we let big brother loose amongst the party decorations. Wow! He thought it was so cool! He raced his train up and down the track, pointed and "Oo-ed" at the balloons, and spun in crazy circles trying to look at everything at once. Silly brother. Mommy and I were very happy that he liked everything. Soon, the guests started to arrive. Well, one was already there: Grampy P. He was so excited about the big party, that he stayed over the night before. Aunty, Uncle, and cousins Maegan and Christopher were the first to officially arrive. We were all happy to see them. Cousin Christopher began screaming and crying as soon as he got in! "Wah! There is a track in the floor, and it smells like balloons, and my teeth hurt, and I want vegetables, and this isn't home, and who is he? and him?! and...sniff...I want my bottle!" Aunty heard cousin loud and clear, and he had a yummy bottle.

Next, Uncle T. and is gal arrived. Cousin Christopher saw them and cried a lot. He said that he wanted to smile, but the cry just came out. Last to arrive were Nanny and Grampy O. Everyone was there! Let the party begin.

The first activity was the Great Truck Race. Everyone had to draw a number to see what truck they would race. Uncle T.'s gal got to race a book, and Grampy P. had to race a donkey. Daddy got a toy phone with eyes and wheels. In heats of three they all raced. First up was Daddy with his phone, Mommy with a tractor, and Aunty B. with a hippo. Go! Off the went. It was a close race, and ended so. Well, not for Daddy. His phone was slow and he lost. But Aunty and Mommy tied! Winners all round (except for Daddy).

Next up was Grampy P. with a donkey, Uncle T. with a dumper, and Uncle T.'s gal with a book. Off they went! What a race! Uncle's gal got pushed to the side early on, as her book skidded into the crowd. It was down to Uncle and Grampy. Grampy made a leap for the finish! But wait! So did Uncle. Smash! Down they both went, forever immortalized both for their heroic efforts, and for the carpet burn that scared them. It was a tie.

The third heat was Uncle B. with a firetruck, Nanny O. with an al-i-ga-tor, and Grampy O. with a wheel on a stick. Bang! From the start, Grampy took a lead. The wheel on a stick was handled with great skill, and passed the finish just a hair ahead of the sleek firetruck.

The final heat was the one everyone had been waiting for. Big brother with his train. Cousin Maegan with a big dumper. Cousin Christopher with a squishy firetruck. Everyone bit their nails (I chewed on cord, as I have yet to grow nails). Off they went! Cousin Maegan broke out to an early lead! Big brother was close behind. Cousin Christopher sat in the floor; "Darned carpet! Go! Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!" he shouted. His Mommy ran to him. "Mommy! My butt don't scoot on this floor!" Poor Cousin was stuck. He gave up, and smiled a bit.

But, the race continued. Cousin Maegan was still in the lead. Oh no! What's this! Her big dumper took a spill, and she flew to the track! Oh, the humanity! Big brother looked as cousin tumbled. For a split second, he thought, 'Ah! The race is mine!' But, he then remembered cousin Maegan comforting him when he was upset during baby sitting. He tossed aside his truck, and crawled after the kitty, winking at cousin, "Yer just too fast for me, cousin!" he said with a smile. Cousin Maegan was the winner!

A riveting game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey followed, with Grampy P. winning. He won, but in the process of doing so, he destroyed the donkey, ripping it in half. Poor donkey. Then came the food! Chicken nuggets shaped like things and fries all round! Yum yum! What a tasty treat. As everyone filled their bellies, Mommy prepared big brother's cake. It was a beaut. It had a couple of roads on it, and piles of dirt, and a tractor, and a dumper, and a crane! Most importantly, smack in the middle was a big Number One candle. Mommy lit it, and walked toward big brother. Everyone sang a happy tune (Happy Birthday, as is customarily sung on such occasions). Big brother stared in awe at the cake. Mommy and Daddy helped him blow blow blow on the candle. Out went the flame! With a cautious hand, big brother reached to the cake. With an excited smile, he grabbed the dumper from the cake, and started to play with it. As big brother played with the dumper (and ignored his yummy cake!) everyone filled the last few pockets of space in their bellies.

As the crowd began to rub their bellies and yawn, we entered the last activity; big brother's presents! What a spoiled brother my big brother is! A big tool bench with drills and a table saw, and wrenches and such! Beautiful books of numbers and nursery rhymes! A really cool caterpillar he can pull behind himself! A big boy hooded sweater and pants! A happy little plane with little people inside! His very own bus! And last, but certainly not least, his very own computer mouse to click till his heart's content!

With happy hearts, full bellies, and tired eyes, the guests began to dress for leaving. Big brother accompanied each to the door, giving a big, hearty cry as a fare-thee-well. What a party! I, for one, was pooped! So was Mommy! And so was big brother. Together, the three of us crawled into bed for a long aft'noon's nap.

And that, my friends, was the second day of big brother's big day! What a lovely weekend it was. Tomorrow I will recount for you a very interesting conversation big brother and I had, after the festivities were over. That big brother of mine is a wise one!

I wish you all the very best in the day ahead! Have sweet dreams, everyone! Cheerio.

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