Wednesday, September 27, 2006

To My Mommy

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night to everyone! As you can probably see from this recent photo taken of me, I love my Mommy. Today, I received a booklet of construction paper and a red crayon, so I made this sign to let Mommy know how special she is to me. Pancreas has been taking a course in photography through distance education, and snapped this candid pose of me.

Although it hurts me to admit it, I have been making Mommy feel very ill lately. Poor Mommy. I did not know I was even making her sick until surly old bowel told me. You see, sometimes I get really hungry. I get so hungry, because I am growing fast. I get so hungry that I need food now! Mostly, I want pitas. I also want salads. I wanted a salad so bad one day, that Mommy cried, because no salads were around. Anyway, when I get hungry, Mommy feels sick unless I get my food. Stomach said that is the quickest way to get me my pita. I think there must be a better way. I don't want my Mommy to be sick!

Maybe, when I am hungry, Stomach could tell Esophagus, who could tell Sinus, who could tell Ear, who could tell Brain, who could tell Mommy! I told this suggestion to Stomach, but she said it would never work. She said that Sinus is very forgetful. This procedure was once used when my brother was in here. Big brother wanted a sandwich, so Stomach told Esophagus, who passed it along to Sinus. Well, Sinus said, "right-o!", and told Ear. But she told ear that big brother wanted an ice cream cake! Brain found out, and told Mommy, who told Daddy. Daddy went to the store and got an ice cream cake. Mommy looked at it and threw up. So ended that process! So, Stomach said that until we can think of something better, I will just have to make Mommy sick whenever I want something. I am sorry Mommy!

So, Mommy, I am very sorry that I make you sick. I hope you can get by, until we devise a better system. I love you so much! You give me pitas, keep me warm and safe; you sing me songs, and take me all sorts of nice places. You lay down, and let big brother crawl over me, which is super fun! You are the best Mommy a Wee Too could ever have! When I come out to see you in May (or June!) I am going to give you a big kiss, and a hug.

Mommy, let's have a great time together while I'm on the Inside. I am having such a fun time, and I want you to as well! When I come out, I just know that everything will be perfect. Big brother told me so.

I must go now. Pancreas is making more photos for her portfolio, so she wants me to act candidly, while she snaps a few. I hope that everyone has had such a great day! I look forward to writing to you all again tomorrow. I leave you tonight with a photo of me hugging my good friend stomach. Cheerio, everyone!

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