Saturday, September 30, 2006

Boy? Girl? Pablo?!?

Since those of you on the Outside have known about me, there has been much speculation about whether I am a boy or a girl. Some say, "Oh, I have a feeling Wee Too is a girl!" Others will say, "Ah, Wee Too's a boy! The Farmers Almanac said so!" However, in all of this discussion, it has been taken for granted (up until now, at least) that I am a human baby. Now, the boy/girl question has become even more complicated, as another option has been added. Am I a boy, a girl, or a blue penguin that goes on adventures, named Pablo?

The other day, Mommy, big brother and I were over at Aunty's for a visit, some zoodles, and some good old fashioned bus playing. The conversation between Aunty and Mommy turned to me. Cousin Maegan was hanging out with us, and Mommy decided to ask her, "Is Wee Too a boy or a girl?" With great excitement, Cousin Maegan blurted out, "No, no, no!" and pointing to Mommy's belly (in which I live), she said conclusively, "Pablo!"

I was a little bit confused. I turned to Stomach - that fountain of knowledge - and asked her, "What's a Pablo?" Stomach furrowed her brow, and turned away for a moment, leafing through a big book. She cleared her throat, and turned to me.

"Ahem..Pablo: Blue penguin, wears bennie and bow-tie; friends with Austin (a kangaroo), Unique (purple with pink spots, possible from another planet), Tasha (a hippo), and Tyrone (a Moose (of the mist)); enjoys running in circles frantically, flapping flippers."

Bladder chimed in: "Nice synopsis, Stomach. Pablo, as I understand, is a penguin, and one of the Backyardigans. He is a most excellent penguin, indeed, and goes on fantastic adventures."

From the descriptions by Stomach and Bladder, I began to really ponder the possibility. Am I a penguin? Am I a penguin named Pablo? Bladder said that penguins spend a lot of time under water, then come out on land. I spend a lot of time in the water (I am in water right now, and will remain in it for a total of nine months!), and will come out onto land. Does this make me a penguin? I had simply assumed I was a human, so by this point, I was quite confused. Boy? Girl? Pablo?!?

Here on the Inside, we tried all day to wrap our minds around the situation. No one could prove conclusively that I was Pablo, but, on the other hand, no one could prove that I was not Pablo! Mommy and Daddy seem to think that I am a baby boy or girl, but you just never know. Cousin Maegan seemed so firm on the idea, and I trust her opinion. Oh, and it would explain some things. Last week, when I was speaking with Cousin Maegan, she asked me if, when I come out, I will pretend to be a Yeti. At the time, I said "Yes", not knowing why she asked, or what a Yeti was. But, as I found out today, Pablo was once a Yeti, and stomped around, whilst his friends looked for him to take a picture. If I am Pablo, I've certainly been on some fine adventures!

What do you think? I don't exactly feel Pablo-like, but how can I be sure? It is all so confusing. Daddy assures me I am a little boy or girl, though. I guess we will all have to wait and see! Confidentially, Daddy told me that when he was a wee little guy on the Inside, there was a rumor that he was a dog named Toto. Fortunately, it all turned out to be rumor, as my Daddy was born a baby boy.

Well, with all this deep thought about the Pablo issue, I am now tired. I must go to bed, and rest up. I need my sleep, if I'm to grow big and strong! I will write again tomorrow. Goodnite, my friends! Cheerio!

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