Monday, September 25, 2006

The Tale of the Pointing Prince

My poor big brother! I felt so bad for him today! Here is a story, big brother, from me to you.

The Tale of the Pointing Prince

Once upon a time, there was a little boy, known throughout the land as the Pointing Prince. He ruled the regions near and far, and everyone liked him. He crawled across the land, pointing at this and that. He saw a tree wilting from the drought, pointed at it, smiled, and immediately, it smiled back at him, and became a happy, healthy tree again. He crawled through the meadow, and saw a duck that could not quack. A big smile wiped across the Pointing Prince's face, he pointed, and the duck happily quacked away. The Pointing Prince traveled to and fro, spreading happiness with a point of his pointing finger.

One day, the Pointing Prince was in the castle with his mother, the Queen, his father, the King, and his little sister or brother, Wee Too (that's me!). A feast had been prepared in the hearth, and all were gathering 'round to partake in the bounty of the harvest. Wee Too laid back, stretched out, loosened the cord, and waited for the feast to begin. The King began to set the table, and prepare the Pointing Prince's plate. The Queen busied herself near the hearth. The Pointing Prince smelled the goodies, and crawled over to the Queen. "What's going on, Mommy?" he asked, as he approached the hearth. "We are having a feast, in honor of Wee Too and you, my dear child," responded the Queen. "A feast?! Yeah! Can I see?" asked the Pointing Prince.

With this question little more than asked, the Pointing Prince pulled himself up on the hearth. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww owww owww owww ouch!!!!!!!!!" went he with the most heart wrenching cry one could imagine. Wee Too, the King and Queen immediately stopped what they were doing, and lifted the Pointing Prince into the air, holding him close.

"What...what's the matter?" called Wee Too from the Inside.

" finger!" cried the Pointing Prince, as he held up that very finger he used to point at things. A ray of light shone through the castle windows on the finger, as it throbbed and swelled. The pointing finger had been burned (along with all the other fingers on the pointing hand!). "Ouch! I...I'll never..sniff...point again!" he cried in sorrow.

The Queen began to weep with sorrow as she heard the painful words and cries of her dear son. The King rushed to their side, and Wee Too began to console Mommy and the Pointing Prince. With such courage and bravery, the Pointing Prince pointed at a parrot that was depressed because it was moulting. He tried with all his might to extend his finger, but it throbbed too much. The parrot continued to moult, and grew evermore depressed.

The Kind summoned the horses and cart to the castle doors, and together Wee Too, the Queen and King rushed the crying prince to the doctor, the Queen taking the reins. The Pointing Prince continued to lament over his pointless finger. The doctor saw them immediately, and began to administer to the hearth burn of the young Pointing Prince. Yet, he continued to cry. As the King and Queen - upset themselves at the incident - tried to console the young prince, a sense of strength came over the young Wee Too.

Wee Too began to speak to the Pointing Prince over his cries of woe and pain. "My dear brother, and bringer of happiness to trees, birds, people, and woodchucks alike. Please be calm. Behind the pain of the burn, I know that you are upset because you feel that without your pointing finger, you cannot bring happiness to others..."

"Sniff...without my pointing finger, I am but a prince, nothing more, nothing less, dear brother or sister of mine," responded the Pointing Prince, whilst sniffing, and wiping tears from his face.

"O', brother of mine! You are the one I look up to, and have learned so much from. I speak to you, and speak nothing but the truth. It is not the pointing finger that brings happiness, but you! Yes, it is you, and your happiness that cheers up the trees and the birds, and Mommy and Daddy, and all of the kingdom! It is you, in your enthusiasm, in your joy of life that affects others. I see this in you, and it is because of this that I whistle a happy tune from the Inside, and count the days 'till I leave here, and become an Outsider, like you! It is because of your joy that I want to grow, and play with you, and become the best of friends with you. Others see this, and it is this alone that makes them happy; not the pointing finger."

"Sniff...sniff...really?" sniffed the Pointing Prince, as he dried his eyes, and began to calm down. A wave of calm washed over the Pointing Prince, and he realised that Wee Too was right. " know, Wee Too, most excellent brother or sister of mine, you are right! It is not a silly finger that brings happiness to my kingdom, but happiness itself! You are so wise; wise beyond your weeks, my friend. I say to you right now, as I sit here, with my finger throbbing: we are the best of friends already. You have brought happiness over me once more, that I may affect the kingdom likewise. My dear friend, thank you."

Wee Too sat back, content and happy - even humbled - by the words of big brother. A connection had been formed; a connection far beyond that which can be spoken of. It was a connection that is only felt. In much better spirits, the King, Queen, the Pointing Prince, and Wee Too ventured home. The feast was laid on the table, and they all sat down to enjoy the bounty of the harvest.

The End

Postscript. My big brother is doing just fine now. He burned his fingers on the oven door, but he is in much better spirits, and they are already healing! There may be a day of two of uncomfortable blisters, but these will pass, and my big courageous brother will be pointing in no time!

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