Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Buses, Tea, and Cousins, Oh My!

Goodness me! What a day I have had. Early this morning, before Mommy's cat was even awake, we packed ourselves and my big brother up, and drove out to my Aunty's house. I had never been there before, so it certainly seemed like it would be quite a treat (and, indeed, it was!). Well, on the way there, big brother began chattering away and chattering away (in case you are not aware, we on the Inside can understand most babies on the Outside; the longer someone has been on the Outside, the harder the communication is). Well, what was big bro' chattering about? Buses! I hadn't the foggiest idea what a bus was - and really, I am still a bit unsure - but if big brother likes 'em, then so do I!

As soon as we got in the car, Mommy told us that we were going to visit with Aunty, cousin Maegan, and cousin Christopher. At word of this, big brother got really quiet at first, then began to get really excited. "Buses, buses, buses!" he kept repeating. Over and over again. "Hey, Wee Too!" he eventually called from his seat. "Hey! We are going to Aunty's place and she has two buses! I'm gonna drive them both around, then I'm going to park one, and drive the other, then I'm gonna smash it into the wall, then leave it there, and get the other bus, and drive it around, and run into Mommy's feet, and then I'm gonna eat a cracker, and then drive the buses some more! Do you want to play with a bus? You can! I'll let you play with one, Wee Too!" In a quiet voice (this was the first time big brother has ever spoken to me, so I was quite humbled) I stammered, "Ummm...I would like to play with a bus, big brother. Thank you very much. But, er, what is a bus?"

"A bus?! A bus is a neat long thing with wheels, and its yellow, and kind of like a truck, but Little People go in it, and they once scared me, but they don't anymore!"

"Wow!" I responded, trailing off. Buses sound very nice. Unfortunately, I later found out that big brother was unable to get a bus into my home. He said he was really sorry about it, and said that he played extra hard with one of the buses just for me.

I also got to meet my cousins, cousin Maegan, and cousin Christopher! What a delightful bunch they are. Cousin Maegan was very talkative to me, and she seems to be such a nice girl. She is quite a bit older than I am, but could speak to me (and hear me!) remarkably well - even better than big brother! When we first got in, she came over to me and got real chatty. "Hey in there," she said in a peppy voice. "Hey," I responded. "I am pleased to meet you. I am Wee Too."

"Hey, Wee Too. Do you want a cup of tea? I have made the perfect cup!"

I was told by Mommy that we don't like tea. I remembered this, and quietly spoke: "Um, a cup of tea sounds very nice, and thank you so much for the offer, but, I don't think I like tea."

"Take the tea..." said cousin in a no-nonsense voice. Stomach whispered to me, "Just slurp a little bit" "Slurp, slurp," I went. Cousin Maegan grew very animated, "Wasn't that just the perfect cup of tea?" she said, and happily skipped off. She told me she would be back later for a chat, but she got sidetracked when big brother began eating her doll.

With big brother smashing his bus into everything he could, and cousin Maegan rescuing her dolls from big brother's smashing, cousin Christopher began to speak to me.

"Hey Wee Too, how ya doin' in there?" he asked in a casual tone. "I'm doing just fine, thank you. Are you playing with a bus?" I asked. "Not me," he responded. "I'm just takin' 'er easy, layin' back, 'n smilin' " he continued. He then made a gurgling sound, and stretched out, making himself more comfortable, and put an even bigger smile on his face. For the rest of the time we were there, he spoke several times about the joys of cereal, and made a few contented sighs. What a happy fellow he is!

After a delightful lunch, me, Mommy, and big brother all packed into the car, and headed for home after a splendid morning. What a remarkable day. I can see that I have many interesting characters waiting to meet me, when I grow up, and move to the Outside. Until then, however, I will relax here, as an Insider, get some rest, and grow big and strong.

I am now pretty tired after the day's events, so think I am going to curl up with a good book. I wish you all the very best in the day ahead; until tomorrow! Cheerio!

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