Tuesday, May 01, 2007

An Old Friend

Me, my Mommy and big brother all went to visit a friend of mine from when he was on the Inside. When Mommy worked, she often worked with another lady who had a baby in her belly. We hit it off very early on; right back when I was no larger than one of those minicorns you put in stir frys. He was a little bit older than me - maybe the size of a kiwi fruit, though not quite as rotund. I used to talk to him all the time. At the time, however, I did not know he was a he. He thought he was a lion, for some reason. It made for very strange and interesting conversation at the time, as I was going through my, "I'm a penguin named Pablo" stage way back when.

Well, this little guy was born some two weeks ago - back in the middle of April. So, he has had a little time to adjust to being an Outsider, but is still young enough that he can hear me when I speak from the Inside. When we got there, he recognised my Mommy's voice, and immediately shouted, "Hey! Wee Too! You made it! Isn't it great out here, dude?"

"Umm, not quite yet!" I replied in a chipper voice. "Still a little time left yet. My stork is oiling his beak, and doing a few final test runs yet. Soon."

"Aw, bummer, dude. My stork back out at the last minute, so the agency sent a vacuum to get me instead. Made my head all pointy 'n stuff, but it got better. Yer pal Stomach still in there?"

"Yeah, Stomach's still here. She's taking a nap with a chicken nugget. Its a shame your stork backed out. Man, I don't know what I'll do if Edgar does not show. He arranged a balloon ride and everything. I got balloonist goggles and a hat and everything."

"Nah, don't worry 'bout my stork. I was his first delivery, so he just got nervous, I think. He is in counselling right now. Man, I tell ya, you're gonna like it out here, dude. We get to go in bouncing chairs, and swings, and be rocked, and sleep in blankets and poop and pee. I play a little game with it. I count my poops each day, and try to beat it the next. I heard a baby down the block got to 8. I'm stuck at 6, but am working on the record now."

This chit chat went on for a while. He certainly seemed to like his new Outside home. He told me stories of stretching, and how it is not a bother at all on the Outside. In here, if I stretch, Mommy pees and Daddy thinks I'm going to pop a foot out of her belly! He told me that he gets to eat milk instead of nutrients filtered through a tube connected to his belly. Pretty cool! He also said that the tube falls off, and it leave a belly button behind! I have heard of those before. Big brother is renowned for his belly button.

As we were talking, he all of a sudden got very quiet, and began to whisper.

"Psssst...Wee Too. There is a big boy with a blue soothie and a big smile patting my head! What'll I do?! Do I play dead, or attack?" came the words of my nervous friend. I began to chuckle.

"(chuckle chuckle) Silly! That's my big brother! Don't worry 'bout him. He's just petting you."

"Like a cat"

"Yup, pretty much. He's about the coolest guy I know. You should see what he can do with a corn popper! Man, it would blow you away!"

With this reassurance, my friend calmed down, and big brother proudly walked away, having brought great satisfaction to the younger of our generation. Before long, my friend was getting super sleepy, and big brother was preparing to leave. So, we all geared up, and left my good friend to sleep a peaceful nap.

"Yawn! See you later, dude. Come and see me any time. Hope to see you on the Outside soon! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz..."

With that, we left, picked up Daddy from work, and headed for the ole homestead. Since then, I've been very tired and stuck. I have had a couple of naps, but it is hard to sleep for any amount of time. I'm getting so big. I am so upside down! Frankly, I hope to hear from my stork soon. Anyway, I must be getting to bed now. It is very late. I hope this post finds you all well! Cheerio!

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