Sunday, September 17, 2006

Settling In

Good day and hello to everyone! My name is Wee Too, and I am just settling in at my new home; the womb. It has been a hectic few days, as all the other Insiders have been stopping by to see who the new resident is. Between sprucing up the place (the last resident left such a mess!) and meeting everyone, it has been a very tiring experience.

As you might well imagine, it is very difficult adjusting to a new place; well, just this evening, a kind gal named Stomach organised a delightful orientation for me! She arranged for all the other Insiders to be there, and we went around in a big circle and introduced ourselves. Gosh! Everyone seemed so nice and friendly; well, everyone except two - Bowel and Bladder, who seem a tad surly! I am sure that in time we will grow to be the closest of friends. Anyway, the orientation was a great help. Actually, it was Stomach who got this blog set up for me. My computer-a-ma-jig skills are not the best, but I thought it would be a keen idea to be able to write to all my Outsider friends, so here I am, chatting away on my very own blog. Gosh, I've become sidetracked, though.

Before I say a little about myself, I have some very exciting news! I have a Mommy and a Daddy, and a Brother, and now they know about me! I knew they existed, but just today I was able to get their attention. Boy, are they ever happy! My Daddy has been rubbing Belly (its actually kind of funny, because Daddy thought he was rubbing me, but really he was just giving Stomach a good massage; she didn't complain, and we all had a good laugh!). My brother crawled around like a crazy baby and made all sorts of neat sounds and kissed Mommy. I just know that I will have so much fun with him! Mommy was really happy when she found out that I live in her, and that made me so happy too.

Oh my! Where has the time gone? Pancreas just tapped on my door and said its Sleepy Time. I guess I have to go. Tomorrow I will start a little earlier, and let you know a little bit about me! I have to go sleep now. I hope this first note from me finds you all well! I will be talking with you later! Have a super day, everyone!

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